# Copyright (C) 2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LIST_CONTAINS is a macro useful for determining whether a list has a # particular entry #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACRO(LIST_CONTAINS var value) SET(${var}) FOREACH(value2 ${ARGN}) IF(${value} STREQUAL "${value2}") SET(${var} TRUE) ENDIF (${value} STREQUAL "${value2}") ENDFOREACH (value2) ENDMACRO(LIST_CONTAINS) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The PARSE_ARGUMENTS macro will take the arguments of another macro and # define several variables. # # USAGE: PARSE_ARGUMENTS(prefix arg_names options arg1 arg2...) # # ARGUMENTS: # # prefix: IN: a prefix to put on all variables it creates. # # arg_names: IN: a list of names. # For each item in arg_names, PARSE_ARGUMENTS will create a # variable with that name, prefixed with prefix_. Each variable will be filled # with the arguments that occur after the given arg_name is encountered # up to the next arg_name or the end of the arguments. All options are # removed from these lists. PARSE_ARGUMENTS also creates a # prefix_DEFAULT_ARGS variable containing the list of all arguments up # to the first arg_name encountered. # # options: IN: a list of options. # For each item in options, PARSE_ARGUMENTS will create a # variable with that name, prefixed with prefix_. So, for example, if prefix is # MY_MACRO and options is OPTION1;OPTION2, then PARSE_ARGUMENTS will # create the variables MY_MACRO_OPTION1 and MY_MACRO_OPTION2. These # variables will be set to true if the option exists in the command line # or false otherwise. # arg_names and options lists should be quoted. # # The rest of PARSE_ARGUMENTS are arguments from another macro to be parsed. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACRO(PARSE_ARGUMENTS prefix arg_names option_names) SET(DEFAULT_ARGS) FOREACH(arg_name ${arg_names}) SET(${prefix}_${arg_name}) ENDFOREACH(arg_name) FOREACH(option ${option_names}) SET(${prefix}_${option} FALSE) ENDFOREACH(option) SET(current_arg_name DEFAULT_ARGS) SET(current_arg_list) FOREACH(arg ${ARGN}) LIST_CONTAINS(is_arg_name ${arg} ${arg_names}) IF (is_arg_name) SET(${prefix}_${current_arg_name} ${current_arg_list}) SET(current_arg_name ${arg}) SET(current_arg_list) ELSE (is_arg_name) LIST_CONTAINS(is_option ${arg} ${option_names}) IF (is_option) SET(${prefix}_${arg} TRUE) ELSE (is_option) SET(current_arg_list ${current_arg_list} ${arg}) ENDIF (is_option) ENDIF (is_arg_name) ENDFOREACH(arg) SET(${prefix}_${current_arg_name} ${current_arg_list}) ENDMACRO(PARSE_ARGUMENTS) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS is a macro useful for installing scripts. # # USAGE: SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS(file_list path [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir] [DEF_PERMS]) # # ARGUMENTS: # file_list: IN : list of files to be installed. This list should be quoted. # path: IN : full pathname for installing. # # By default files to be installed as executable scripts. # If DEF_PERMS option is provided, than permissions for installed files are # only OWNER_WRITE, OWNER_READ, GROUP_READ, and WORLD_READ. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACRO(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS file_list path) PARSE_ARGUMENTS(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS "WORKING_DIRECTORY" "DEF_PERMS" ${ARGN}) SET(PERMS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE GROUP_READ WORLD_READ) IF(NOT SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_DEF_PERMS) SET(PERMS ${PERMS} OWNER_EXECUTE GROUP_EXECUTE WORLD_EXECUTE) ENDIF(NOT SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_DEF_PERMS) FOREACH(file ${file_list}) SET(PREFIX "") IF(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_WORKING_DIRECTORY) SET(PREFIX "${SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_WORKING_DIRECTORY}/") ENDIF(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_WORKING_DIRECTORY) INSTALL(FILES ${PREFIX}${file} DESTINATION ${path} PERMISSIONS ${PERMS}) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(ext ${file} EXT) IF(ext STREQUAL .py) INSTALL(CODE "MESSAGE(STATUS \"py compiling ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${path}/${file}\")") INSTALL(CODE "SET(CMD \"import py_compile ; py_compile.compile('${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${path}/${file}')\")") INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c \"\${CMD}\")") INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -O -c \"\${CMD}\")") ENDIF(ext STREQUAL .py) ENDFOREACH(file ${file_list}) ENDMACRO(SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SALOME_INSTALL_SCRIPTS is a macro useful for installing executable scripts. # ARGUMENTS: # PYFILE2COMPINST: IN : list of python files to be installed. # PYFILELOC: IN : full pathname for installing. # Permissions of installed files: OWNER_WRITE, OWNER_READ, GROUP_READ, and WORLD_READ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACRO(INSTALL_AND_COMPILE_PYTHON_FILE PYFILE2COMPINST PYFILELOC) INSTALL(CODE "SET(PYTHON_FILE ${f})") FOREACH(input ${PYFILE2COMPINST}) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(inputname ${input} NAME) INSTALL(FILES ${input} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${PYFILELOC}) INSTALL(CODE "MESSAGE(STATUS \"py compiling ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${PYFILELOC}/${inputname}\")") INSTALL(CODE "SET(CMD \"import py_compile ; py_compile.compile('${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${PYFILELOC}/${inputname}')\")") INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c \"\${CMD}\")") INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -O -c \"\${CMD}\")") ENDFOREACH(input ${PYFILE2COMPINST}) ENDMACRO(INSTALL_AND_COMPILE_PYTHON_FILE PYFILE2COMPINST PYFILELOC) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE is a macro useful for copying a file to another location # and modify its contents. # # USAGE: SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE(in_file out_file [INSTALL dir]) # # ARGUMENTS: # in_file: IN : input file with full paths. # out_file: IN : output file with full paths. # If INSTALL is specified, then 'out_file' will be installed to the 'dir' directory. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACRO(SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE IN_FILE OUT_FILE) MESSAGE(STATUS "Creation of ${OUT_FILE}") CONFIGURE_FILE(${IN_FILE} ${OUT_FILE} @ONLY) PARSE_ARGUMENTS(SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE "INSTALL" "" ${ARGN}) IF(SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE_INSTALL) INSTALL(FILES ${OUT_FILE} DESTINATION ${SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE_INSTALL}) ENDIF(SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE_INSTALL) ENDMACRO(SALOME_CONFIGURE_FILE)