default : { name : "freeimage" build_source : "script" compil_script : $name + $VARS.scriptExtension get_source : "archive" system_info : { rpm : ["freeimage"] rpm_dev : ["freeimage-devel"] apt : ["libfreeimage3"] apt_dev : ["libfreeimage-dev"] } patches : [] environ : { env_script : $name + ".py" } depend : [] source_dir : $APPLICATION.workdir + $VARS.sep + 'SOURCES' + $VARS.sep + $name build_dir : $APPLICATION.workdir + $VARS.sep + 'BUILD' + $VARS.sep + $name install_dir : 'base' properties : { incremental : "yes" single_install_dir : "yes" } } default_win : { archive_info : {archive_name : "freeimage-" + $APPLICATION.products.freeimage + "_windows.tar.gz"} } version_3_16_0 : { compil_script : "" patches : ["freeimage-3.16.0_gcc6.patch"] } # NOTE: do not delete this section, it was added in order to be able to overload it for Windows version_3_18_0: { compil_script : "" patches : [] } version_3_18_0_win: { compil_script : "freeimage.bat" patches : ['freeimage-3.18.0_windows.patch'] }