default : { name : "GEOM" build_source : "cmake" #About the use of OpenCV, see spns #7996 cmake_options : "-DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=${SWIG_ROOT_DIR}/bin/swig -DSALOME_GEOM_USE_OPENCV=ON" get_source : "git" git_info: { repo : $PROJECTS.projects.salome.git_info.default_git_server + "modules/geom.git" repo_dev : $PROJECTS.projects.salome.git_info.default_git_server_dev + "geom.git" } environ : { PARALLEL_VISU : "1" SalomeAppConfig_ : $install_dir + $VARS.sep + "share" + $VARS.sep + "salome" + $VARS.sep + "resources" + $VARS.sep + "geom" GEOM_PluginsList : "BREPPlugin:STEPPlugin:IGESPlugin:STLPlugin:XAOPlugin:VTKPlugin:AdvancedGEOM" CSF_ShHealingDefaults : $install_dir + $VARS.sep + "share" + $VARS.sep + "salome" + $VARS.sep + "resources" + $VARS.sep + "geom" } depend : ["KERNEL", "GUI", "boost", "CAS", "Python", "hdf5", "omniORB", "qt", "ParaView", "docutils", "Sphinx", "Jinja2", "setuptools", "Pygments", "opencv", "six", "pytz", "psutil" ] build_depend : ["cmake", "swig", "doxygen", "cppunit"] patches : [] source_dir : $APPLICATION.workdir + $VARS.sep + 'SOURCES' + $VARS.sep + $name build_dir : $APPLICATION.workdir + $VARS.sep + 'BUILD' + $VARS.sep + $name properties: { incremental : "yes" has_salome_gui : "yes" is_SALOME_module : "yes" has_unit_tests } } default_win : { cmake_options : " -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=%SWIG_ROOT_DIR:\=/%/bin/swig.exe -DSALOME_GEOM_USE_OPENCV=ON -DOPENCV_ROOT_DIR=%OPENCV_ROOT_DIR:\=/% -DOpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS=%OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS:\=/% " } version_9_3_0_to_9_6_0 : { depend : ["KERNEL", "GUI", "boost", "CAS", "Python", "hdf5", "omniORB", "qt", "ParaView", "docutils", "Sphinx", "Jinja2", "setuptools", "Pygments", "opencv", "six", "pytz" ] } _from_8_5_0_to_9_2_1 : # these versions requires the path geom_8.5.0_xao_data_dir.patch (for salome test) { patches : [ "geom_8.5.0_xao_data_dir.patch" ] depend : ["KERNEL", "GUI", "boost", "CAS", "Python", "hdf5", "omniORB", "qt", "ParaView", "docutils", "Sphinx", "Jinja2", "setuptools", "Pygments", "opencv", "six", "pytz" ] } _from_7_5_0_to_7_8_3 : { depend : ["KERNEL", "GUI", "boost", "CAS", "Python", "hdf5", "omniORB", "qt", "ParaView", "docutils", "Sphinx", "Jinja2", "setuptools", "Pygments", "opencv", "six", "pytz", ] } version_V6_6_0 : { build_source : "autotools" cmake_options : "" get_source : "git" environ : { } depend : ["KERNEL", "GUI", "boost", "CAS", "Python", "hdf5", "omniORB", "qt", "ParaView", "docutils", "Sphinx", "Jinja2", "setuptools", "Pygments" ] nb_proc : 1 }