default : { name : "DOCUMENTATION" build_source : "cmake" get_source : "git" git_info: { repo : $PROJECTS.projects.salome.git_info.default_git_server + "tools/documentation.git " repo_dev : $PROJECTS.projects.salome.git_info.default_git_server_dev + "documentation.git" } environ : { } # Symlinks option is hidden for Windows thanks to cmake_dependent_option instruction (not used then) cmake_options : "-DSALOME_INSTALL_MODULES_DOC=ON -DSALOME_CREATE_SYMLINKS=ON" depend : [ "KERNEL", "Sphinx", "Python", "docutils", "setuptools", "six", "pytz", "markupsafe" ] # To reduce the (long) list, we only declare tip of the dependencies tree (for instance, SMESH will be automatically used through its plugins) opt_depend : [SHAPER, PARAVIS, HEXABLOCK, HELLO, PYHELLO, ADAO, HOMARD, JOBMANAGER, BLSURFPLUGIN, GHS3DPLUGIN, GHS3DPRLPLUGIN, GMSHPLUGIN, HYBRIDPLUGIN, HexoticPLUGIN, NETGENPLUGIN] build_depend : ["cmake", "doxygen"] source_dir : $APPLICATION.workdir + $VARS.sep + 'SOURCES' + $VARS.sep + $name build_dir : $APPLICATION.workdir + $VARS.sep + 'BUILD' + $VARS.sep + $name properties : { is_SALOME_module : "yes" } }