// File: SALOME_RessourcesCatalog.idl // Created: Mon Sep 10 2001 // Author: Estelle Deville // Project: SALOME // Copyright : CEA/DEN/DMSS/LGLS // $Header$ module SALOME_RessourcesCatalog{ // Type Definitions //Proc_info : information about a processor struct proc_info{ long number; string model_name; float cpu_mhz; float cache_size; }; typedef sequence ListOfProc; //Computer_info : information about a computer // Os and informations about processors struct computer_info{ string name; string OS; string OS_version; ListOfProc procs; }; enum ContainerType {Cpp, python, NP}; typedef sequence ListOfContainerType; typedef sequence ListOfComputer; // exception thrown if a computer is not found in the catalog exception NotFound {}; //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Interface interface RessourcesCatalog { ListOfComputer GetComputerList(); ListOfContainerType GetContainerTypeList (in string computer) raises(NotFound); computer_info GetComputerInfo(in string computer) raises(NotFound); }; };