#include "SALOME_Exception.idl" module SALOME { enum TypeOfDataTransmitted { _DOUBLE_,_INT_ }; enum TypeOfCommunication { CORBA_ , MPI_ , SOCKET_ }; typedef sequence vectorOfDouble; typedef sequence vectorOfLong; interface MultiCommClass { void setProtocol(in TypeOfCommunication typ); }; interface ServantLifeCycle { void release(); }; interface Sender { TypeOfDataTransmitted getTypeOfDataTransmitted(); void release(); }; interface SenderDouble : Sender { SenderDouble buildOtherWithProtocol(in TypeOfCommunication type); }; interface SenderInt : Sender { SenderInt buildOtherWithProtocol(in TypeOfCommunication type); }; //No compulsory copy between double and CORBA::Double interface CorbaDoubleNCSender : SenderDouble { unsigned long getSize(); vectorOfDouble sendPart(in unsigned long n1,in unsigned long n2); vectorOfDouble send(); }; //Compulsory copy between double and CORBA::Double interface CorbaDoubleCSender : SenderDouble { unsigned long getSize(); //unsigned long getSize2(); vectorOfDouble sendPart(in unsigned long n1,in unsigned long n2); }; //No compulsory copy between int and CORBA::Long interface CorbaLongNCSender : SenderInt { unsigned long getSize(); vectorOfLong sendPart(in unsigned long n1,in unsigned long n2); vectorOfLong send(); }; //Compulsory copy between int and CORBA::Long interface CorbaLongCSender : SenderInt { unsigned long getSize(); vectorOfLong sendPart(in unsigned long n1,in unsigned long n2); }; interface MPISender : Sender { typedef struct Parameter { unsigned long myproc; unsigned long tag1; unsigned long tag2; string service; } param; param getParam(); void send(); void close(in param p); }; interface MPISenderDouble : SenderDouble,MPISender { }; interface MPISenderInt : SenderInt,MPISender { }; interface SocketSender : Sender { typedef struct Parameter { unsigned long lstart; unsigned long lend; unsigned long myport; string internet_address; } param; param getParam(); void initCom() raises(SALOME_Exception); void acceptCom() raises(SALOME_Exception); void closeCom(); void endOfCom() raises(SALOME_Exception); void send(); }; interface SocketSenderDouble : SenderDouble,SocketSender { }; interface SocketSenderInt : SenderInt,SocketSender { }; };