// Copyright (C) 2007-2008 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
// File : SALOMEDS.idl
// Author : Yves FRICAUD
// $Header$
\file SALOMEDS.idl This file contains a set of interfaces used for creation, managment
and modification of the %Study
#ifndef _SALOMEDS_IDL_
#define _SALOMEDS_IDL_
#include "SALOME_Exception.idl"
#include "SALOME_GenericObj.idl"
This package contains the interfaces used for creation, managment
and modification of the %Study
/*! \typedef URL
Name of the file in which the %Study is saved.
typedef string URL;
/*! Main identifier of an object in %SALOME application
typedef string ID;
/*! While saving the data, IOR is transformed into persistent reference
typedef string PersistentReference;
/*! IOR of the study in %SALOME application
typedef string SalomeReference;
/*! List of the names of studies which are currently open in this %SALOME session.
Since %SALOME is a multi-study application, it allows to open a lot of studies
during each working session.
typedef sequence ListOfOpenStudies;
/*! List of file names
typedef sequence ListOfFileNames;
/*! List of modification dates of a study
typedef sequence ListOfDates ;
/*! An unbounded sequence of strings
typedef sequence ListOfStrings ;
/*! An unbounded sequence of sequence of strings
typedef sequence ListOfListOfStrings ;
/*! A byte stream which is used for binary data transfer between different components
typedef sequence TMPFile;
// Reference to other objects is treated with function AddReference
// and ReferencedObject
// All other type of attributes defined in AttributeType enum are
// treated with AddAdttribute and GetAttribute
// The difference is made because Reference attribute don't contain
// strings but reference to ID of other objects
interface GenericAttribute;
interface Study;
interface StudyManager;
interface StudyBuilder;
interface SObject;
interface SComponent;
interface SComponentIterator;
interface ChildIterator;
interface Driver;
interface AttributeStudyProperties;
interface AttributeParameter;
interface UseCaseIterator;
interface UseCaseBuilder;
/*! List of attributes of %SObjects
typedef sequence ListOfAttributes;
/*! Exception indicating that this feature hasn't been implemented in %SALOME PRO application.
exception NotImplemented {};
/*! \brief %Study Interface
The purpose of the %Study is to manage the data produced by various components of %SALOME platform.
Most of the %Study operations are handled by the StudyManager and the StudyBuilder.
What is left in the %Study interface are elementary inquiries.
(Incidentally, we recall that a CORBA attribute is implemented as a pair of get
and set methods.) A %Study is explored by a set of tools, mainly iterators
, which are described further. Nevertheless, the %Study
interface allows the search of an object by name or by ID.
The Path of an object in %SALOME application is much alike a standard path of a file.
In general it's a string of names of directories divided by a slash '/'.
The Context is the current directory of an object.
interface Study
exception StudyInvalidContext {};
exception StudyInvalidComponent {};
/*! Invalid directory of the %study exception
exception StudyInvalidDirectory {};
/*! Exception pointing that this name of the study has already been used.
exception StudyNameAlreadyUsed {};
exception StudyObjectAlreadyExists {};
/*! Invalid name of the %study exception
exception StudyNameError {};
exception StudyCommentError {};
/*! \brief The name of the %Study
This is equivalent to the methods setName() & getName()
attribute string Name; // equivalent to setName() & getName()
/*! \brief The ID of the %Study
This is equivalent to the methods setID() & getID()
attribute short StudyId;
/*! Sequence containing %SObjects
typedef sequence ListOfSObject;
Gets the persistent reference to the %Study.
PersistentReference GetPersistentReference();
Gets a transient reference to the %Study.
SalomeReference GetTransientReference();
Returns True if the %Study is empty
boolean IsEmpty();
Allows to find a %SComponent by its name.
\param aComponentName It's a string value in the Comment Attribute of the Component,
which is looked for, defining the data type of this Component.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
SComponent FindComponent (in string aComponentName);
Allows to find a %SComponent by ID of the according %SObject
SComponent FindComponentID(in ID aComponentID);
Allows to find a %SObject by the Name Attribute of this %SObject
\param anObjectName String parameter defining the name of the object
\return The obtained %SObject
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
SObject FindObject (in string anObjectName);
Allows to find a %SObject by its ID
\param aObjectID This parameter defines the ID of the required object
\return The obtained %SObject
SObject FindObjectID (in ID aObjectID);
Allows to create a %SObject by its ID
\param aObjectID This parameter defines the ID of the required object
\return The created %SObject
SObject CreateObjectID (in ID aObjectID);
Allows to find a %SObject by IOR of the object belonging to this %SObject.
\param anObjectName This parameter defines the IOR of the object
\return The obtained %SObject
SObject FindObjectIOR (in ID aObjectIOR);
Finds in the study all %SObjects produced by a given %Component.
\param anObjectName The Name Attribute of the searched %SObjects should correspond to anObjectName.
\param aComponentName The name of the component, which objects are searched for.
ListOfSObject FindObjectByName(in string anObjectName, in string aComponentName);
Allows to find a %SObject by the path to it.
\param thePath The path to the required %SObject.
\return The obtained %SObject.
SObject FindObjectByPath(in string thePath);
Returns the path to the %SObject.
string GetObjectPath(in Object theObject);
Sets the context of the %Study.
\param thePath String parameter defining the context of the study.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
void SetContext(in string thePath);
Gets the context of the %Study.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
string GetContext();
Returns a list of names of objects corresponding to the context.
\note If the parameter theContext is empty, then the current context will be used.
ListOfStrings GetObjectNames(in string theContext);
Returns a list of names of directories and subdirectories corresponding to the context.
\note If the parameter theContext is empty, then the current context will be used.
ListOfStrings GetDirectoryNames(in string theContext);
Returns a list of names of Files corresponding to the context.
\note If the parameter theContext is empty, then the current context will be used.
ListOfStrings GetFileNames(in string theContext);
Returns a list of names of Components corresponding to the context.
\note If the parameter theContext is empty, then the current context will be used.
ListOfStrings GetComponentNames(in string theContext);
Creates a new iterator of child levels of the given %SObject.
\param aSO The given %SObject
\return A new iterator of child levels of the given %SObject.
ChildIterator NewChildIterator(in SObject aSO);
Creates a new iterator of the %SComponents.
\return A new iterator of the %SComponents.
SComponentIterator NewComponentIterator();
Creates a new %StudyBuilder to add or modify an object in the study.
\return A new %StudyBuilder.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
StudyBuilder NewBuilder() ;
/*! \brief Labels dependency
Updates the map with IOR attribute. It's an inner method used for optimization.
void UpdateIORLabelMap(in string anIOR, in string anEntry);
/*! \brief Getting properties of the study
Returns the attriubte, which contains the properties of this study.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
AttributeStudyProperties GetProperties();
Determines whether the %study has been saved
attribute boolean IsSaved;
Returns True if the %study has been modified and not saved.
boolean IsModified();
Marks the %study as being modified and not saved.
void Modified();
Determines the file where the %study has been saved
attribute string URL;
/*! \brief List of %SObjects
Returns the list of %SObjects which refers to %anObject.
ListOfSObject FindDependances(in SObject anObject);
/*! \brief The date of the last saving of the study
Returns the date of the last saving of study with format: "DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM"
string GetLastModificationDate();
/*! \brief The list of modification dates of the study
Returns the list of modification dates (without creation date) with format "DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM".
Note : the first modification begins the list.
ListOfDates GetModificationsDate();
/*! \brief Object conversion.
Converts an object into IOR.
\return IOR
string ConvertObjectToIOR(in Object theObject);
/*! \brief Object conversion.
Converts IOR into an object.
\return An object
Object ConvertIORToObject(in string theIOR);
Gets a new %UseCaseBuilder.
UseCaseBuilder GetUseCaseBuilder();
Closes the components in the study, removes itself from the %StudyManager.
void Close();
Enables(if isEnabled = True)/disables automatic addition of new %SObjects to the use case.
void EnableUseCaseAutoFilling(in boolean isEnabled);
Functions for internal usage only
void AddPostponed(in string theIOR);
void AddCreatedPostponed(in string theIOR);
void RemovePostponed(in long theUndoLimit);
void UndoPostponed(in long theWay);
boolean DumpStudy(in string thePath, in string theBaseName, in boolean isPublished);
Returns an AttributeParameter used to store common parameters for given %theSavePoint.
\param theID identifies a common parameters set (Example: "Interface Applicative")
\param theSavePoint is number of a set of parameters as there can be several sets
AttributeParameter GetCommonParameters(in string theID, in long theSavePoint);
Returns an AttributeParameter used to store parameters for given %theModuleName.
\param theID identifies a common parameters set (Example: "Interface Applicative")
\param theModuleName is a name of the module (Example: "Geometry")
\param theSavePoint is number of a set of parameters as there can be several sets
AttributeParameter GetModuleParameters(in string theID, in string theModuleName, in long theSavePoint);
Returns a default Python script to restore visual parameters for given %theModuleName.
\param theID identifies a common parameters set (Example: "Interface Applicative")
\param theModuleName is a name of the module (Example: "Geometry")
string GetDefaultScript(in string theID, in string theModuleName);
Private method, returns an implementation of this Study.
\param theHostname is a hostname of the caller
\param thePID is a process ID of the caller
\param isLocal is set True if the Study is launched locally with the caller
long long GetLocalImpl(in string theHostname, in long thePID, out boolean isLocal);
Marks this Study as being locked by the given locker. The lock status can be checked by method IsStudyLocked
\param theLockerID identifies a locker of the study can be for ex. IOR of the engine that locks the study.
void SetStudyLock(in string theLockerID);
Returns True if the Study was marked locked.
boolean IsStudyLocked();
Marks this Study as being unlocked by the given locker. The lock status can be checked by method IsStudyLocked
\param theLockerID identifies a locker of the study can be for ex. IOR of the engine that unlocks the study.
void UnLockStudy(in string theLockerID);
Returns the list iof IDs of the Study's lockers.
ListOfStrings GetLockerID();
Create real variable with Name theVarName value theValue
(or set if variable value in to theValue already exists)
\param theVarName is a name of the variable
\param theVarName is a value of the variable.
void SetReal( in string theVarName, in double theValue );
Create integer variable with Name theVarName value theValue
(or set if variable value in to theValue already exists)
\param theVarName is a name of the variable
\param theVarName is a value of the variable.
void SetInteger( in string theVarName, in long theValue );
Create boolean variable with Name theVarName value theValue
(or set if variable value in to theValue already exists)
\param theVarName is a name of the variable
\param theVarName is a value of the variable.
void SetBoolean( in string theVarName, in boolean theValue );
Return real value of the variable
\param theVarName is a name of the variable.
double GetReal( in string theVarName );
Return integer value of the variable
\param theVarName is a name of the variable.
long GetInteger( in string theVarName );
Return boolean value of the variable
\param theVarName is a name of the variable.
boolean GetBoolean( in string theVarName );
Return true if variable is real otherwise return false.
\param theVarName is a name of the variable.
boolean IsReal( in string theVarName );
Return true if variable is integer otherwise return false.
\param theVarName is a name of the variable.
boolean IsInteger( in string theVarName );
Return true if variable is boolean otherwise return false.
\param theVarName is a name of the variable.
boolean IsBoolean( in string theVarName );
Return true if variable exists in the study,
otherwise return false.
\param theVarName is a name of the variable.
boolean IsVariable( in string theVarName );
Return names of all variables from the study.
ListOfStrings GetVariableNames();
/*! \brief Removing variable
Remove variable with the specified name from the study with substitution of its value.
\param theVarName Name of the variable.
\return Status of operation.
boolean RemoveVariable( in string theVarName );
/*! \brief Renaming variable
Rename variable with the specified name within the study.
\param theVarName Name of the variable.
\param theNewVarName New name for the variable.
\return Status of operation.
boolean RenameVariable( in string theVarName, in string theNewVarName );
/*! \brief Checking variable usage
Check that variable is used in the study.
\param theVarName Name of the variable.
\return Variable usage.
boolean IsVariableUsed( in string theVarName );
/*! \brief Parse variables used for object creation
\param string with variables, separated by special symbol.
\return Variables list.
ListOfListOfStrings ParseVariables( in string theVars );
/*! \brief %Study Builder Interface
The purpose of the Builder is to add and/or remove objects and attributes.
A %StudyBuilder is linked to a %Study. A
command management is provided for the undo/redo functionalities.
The Tag of an item in %SALOME application is a symbolic description of
item's position in the tree-type structure of the browser. In general it has the following
form: 0:2:1:1
interface StudyBuilder
/*! \brief %LockProtection Exception
This exception is raised while attempting to modify a locked %study.
exception LockProtection {};
/*! \brief Creation of a new %SComponent.
Creates a new %SComponent
\param ComponentDataType Data type of the %SComponent which will be created.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
SComponent NewComponent(in string ComponentDataType) raises(LockProtection);
/*! \brief Definition of the instance to the %SComponent
Defines the instance to the %SComponent.
void DefineComponentInstance (in SComponent aComponent,in Object ComponentIOR) raises(LockProtection);
/*! \brief Deletion of a %SComponent
Removes a %SComponent.
void RemoveComponent(in SComponent aComponent) raises(LockProtection);
/*! \brief Creation of a new %SObject
Creates a new %SObject under a definite father %SObject.
\param theFatherObject The father %SObject under which this one should be created.
\return New %SObject
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
SObject NewObject (in SObject theFatherObject) raises(LockProtection);
/*! \brief Creation of a new %SObject with a definite %tag
Creates a new %SObject with a definite %tag.
\param atag Long value corresponding to the tag of the new %SObject.
\return New %SObject
SObject NewObjectToTag (in SObject theFatherObject, in long atag) raises(LockProtection);
/*! \brief Deletion of the %SObject
Removes a %SObject from the %StudyBuilder.
\param anObject The %SObject to be deleted.
void RemoveObject (in SObject anObject) raises(LockProtection);
/*! \brief Deletion of the %SObject with all his child objects.
Removes the %SObject with all his child objects.
\param anObject The %SObject to be deleted with all child objects.
void RemoveObjectWithChildren(in SObject anObject) raises(LockProtection);
Loads a %SComponent.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
void LoadWith (in SComponent sco, in Driver Engine) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
Loads a %SObject.
\param sco %SObject to be loaded.
void Load (in SObject sco);
/*! \brief Looking for or creating an attribute assigned to the %SObject
Allows to find or create an attribute of a specific type which is assigned to the object.
\param anObject The %SObject corresponding to the attribute which is looked for.
\param aTypeOfAttribute Type of the attribute.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
GenericAttribute FindOrCreateAttribute(in SObject anObject,
in string aTypeOfAttribute) raises(LockProtection);
/*! \brief Looking for an attribute assigned to a %SObject
Allows to find an attribute of a specific type which is assigned to the object.
\param anObject The %SObject corresponding to the attribute which is looked for.
\param aTypeOfAttribute Type of the attribute.
\param anAttribute Where the attribute is placed if it's found.
\return True if it finds an attribute.
boolean FindAttribute(in SObject anObject,
out GenericAttribute anAttribute,
in string aTypeOfAttribute);
/*! \brief Deleting the attribute assigned to the %SObject
Removes the attribute of a specific type which is assigned to the object.
\param anObject The %SObject corresponding to the attribute.
\param aTypeOfAttribute Type of the attribute.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
void RemoveAttribute(in SObject anObject,
in string aTypeOfAttribute) raises(LockProtection);
Adds a reference between %anObject and %theReferencedObject.
\param anObject The %SObject which will get a reference
\param theReferencedObject The %SObject having a reference
void Addreference(in SObject anObject,
in SObject theReferencedObject) ;
Removes a reference from %anObject to another object.
\param anObject The %SObject which contains a reference
void RemoveReference(in SObject anObject) ;
Adds a directory in the %Study.
\param theName String parameter defining the name of the directory.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
void AddDirectory(in string theName) raises(LockProtection);
/*! \brief Identification of the %SObject's substructure.
Identification of the %SObject's substructure by GUID.
\param anObject The %SObject which will be identified
\param theGUID GUID has the following format "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
void SetGUID(in SObject anObject, in string theGUID) raises(LockProtection);
Searches for a definite %SObject with a definite GUID and returns True if it finds it.
\param anObject A definite %SObject which will be identified
\param theGUID GUID has the following format "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
boolean IsGUID(in SObject anObject, in string theGUID);
/*! \brief Creation of a new command
Creates a new command which can contain several different actions.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
void NewCommand(); // command management
/*! \brief Execution of the command
Commits all actions declared within this command.
\exception LockProtection This exception is raised, when trying to perform this command a study, which is protected for modifications.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
void CommitCommand() raises(LockProtection); // command management
Returns True if at this moment there is a command under execution.
boolean HasOpenCommand();
/*! \brief Cancelation of the command
Cancels all actions declared within the command.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
void AbortCommand(); // command management
/*! \brief Undolimit
The number of actions which can be undone
attribute long UndoLimit;
/*! \brief Undo method
Cancels all actions of the last command.
\exception LockProtection This exception is raised, when trying to perform this command a study, which is protected for modifications.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
void Undo() raises (LockProtection);
/*! \brief Redo method
Redoes all actions of the last command.
\exception LockProtection This exception is raised, when trying to perform this command a study, which is protected for modifications.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
void Redo() raises (LockProtection);
Returns True if at this moment there are any actions which can be canceled.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
boolean GetAvailableUndos();
Returns True if at this moment there are any actions which can be redone.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
boolean GetAvailableRedos();
Puts name attribute with the given string value to the given %SObject
\param theSO Existing SObject to set name attribute.
\param theValue The value to be set to the name attribute.
void SetName(in SObject theSO, in string theValue) raises (LockProtection);
Puts comment attribute with the given string value to the given %SObject
\param theSO Existing SObject to set comment attribute.
\param theValue The value to be set to the comment attribute.
void SetComment(in SObject theSO, in string theValue) raises (LockProtection);
Puts IOR attribute with the given string value to the given %SObject
\param theSO Existing SObject to set IOR attribute.
\param theValue The value to be set to the IOR attribute.
void SetIOR(in SObject theSO, in string theValue) raises (LockProtection);
/*! \brief %Study Manager interface
The purpose of the Manager is to manipulate the %Studies. You will find in this
interface the methods to create, open,
close, and save a %Study. Since a %SALOME session is multi-document, you will
also find the methods allowing to navigate
through the collection of studies present in a session.
interface StudyManager
Determines whether the server has already been loaded or not.
void ping();
void Shutdown();
Returns the PID of the server
long getPID();
Shutdown the StudyManager process.
oneway void ShutdownWithExit();
/*! \brief Creation of a new study
Creates a new study with a definite name.
\param study_name String parameter defining the name of the study
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
Study NewStudy(in string study_name);
/*! \brief Open a study
Reads and activates the structure of the study %Objects.
\param aStudyUrl The path to the study
\warning This method doesn't activate the corba objects. Only a component can do it.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
Study Open (in URL aStudyUrl) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
/*! \brief Closing the study
Closes a study.
void Close(in Study aStudy);
/*! \brief Saving the study in a HDF file (or files).
Saves a study.
\param theMultiFile If this parameter is True the study will be saved in several files.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
boolean Save(in Study aStudy, in boolean theMultiFile);
/*! \brief Saving a study in a ASCII file (or files).
Saves a study in an ASCII format file (or files).
\param theMultiFile If this parameter is True the study will be saved in several files.
boolean SaveASCII(in Study aStudy, in boolean theMultiFile);
/*! \brief Saving the study in a specified HDF file (or files).
Saves the study in a specified file (or files).
\param aUrl The path to the definite file in whcih the study will be saved
\param aStudy The study which will be saved
\param theMultiFile If this parameter is True the study will be saved in several files.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
boolean SaveAs(in URL aUrl, // if the file already exists
in Study aStudy,
in boolean theMultiFile); // overwrite (as option)
/*! \brief Saving the study in a specified ASCII file (or files).
Saves the study in a specified ASCII file (or files).
\param aUrl The path to the definite file in whcih the study will be saved
\param aStudy The study which will be saved
\param theMultiFile If this parameter is True the study will be saved in several files.
boolean SaveAsASCII(in URL aUrl, // if the file already exists
in Study aStudy,
in boolean theMultiFile); // overwrite (as option)
/*! \brief List of open studies.
Gets the list of open studies
\return A list of open studies in the current session.
ListOfOpenStudies GetOpenStudies();
/*! \brief Getting a particular %Study picked by name
Activates a particular %Study
among the session collection picking it by name.
\param aStudyName The name of the study
Study GetStudyByName (in string aStudyName);
/*! \brief Getting a particular %Study picked by ID
Activates a particular %Study
among the session collection picking it by ID.
\param aStudyID The ID of the study
Study GetStudyByID (in short aStudyID);
// copy/paste methods
Returns True, if the given %SObject can be copied to the clipboard.
boolean CanCopy(in SObject theObject);
Returns True, if the given %SObject is copied to the clipboard.
\param theObject The %SObject which will be copied
boolean Copy(in SObject theObject);
Returns True, if the object from the clipboard can be pasted to the given %SObject.
\param theObject The %SObject stored in the clipboard.
boolean CanPaste(in SObject theObject);
Returns the %SObject in which the object from the clipboard was pasted to.
\param theObject The %SObject which will be pasted
\exception SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder::LockProtection This exception is raised, when trying to paste
an object into a study, which is protected for modifications.
SObject Paste(in SObject theObject) raises (SALOMEDS::StudyBuilder::LockProtection);
/*! \brief Object conversion.
Converts an object into IOR.
\return IOR
string ConvertObjectToIOR(in Object theObject);
/*! \brief Object conversion.
Converts IOR into an object.
\return An object
Object ConvertIORToObject(in string theIOR);
Private method, returns an implementation of this StudyManager.
\param theHostname is a hostname of the caller
\param thePID is a process ID of the caller
\param isLocal is set True if the StudyManager is launched locally with the caller
long long GetLocalImpl(in string theHostname, in long thePID, out boolean isLocal);
/*! \brief %SObject interface
The objects in the %study are built by the %StudyBuilder. The %SObject interface
provides methods for elementary inquiries, like getting an object %ID or its attribuites.
Tag of an item in %SALOME application is an integer value uniquely defining an item
in the tree-type data structure.
ID of an item is a description of item's position in the tree-type data structure.
ID is a list of tags and it has the following form: 0:2:1:1.
interface SObject : SALOME::GenericObj
/*! Name of the %SObject
attribute string Name; // equivalent to setName() & getName()
/*! Gets an object %ID
\return ID of the %SObject.
ID GetID();
/*! Acquisition of the father %Component of the %SObject
\return The father %Component of the %SObject.
SComponent GetFatherComponent();
/*! Acquisition of the father %SObject of the %SObject
\return the father %SObject of the given %SObject.
SObject GetFather();
/*! Gets the %tag of a %SObject
\return the %tag of a %SObject.
short Tag();
/*! Gets the depth of a %SObject
\return the depth of a %SObject.
short Depth();
/*! Looks for subobjects of a given %SObject.
\param atag Tag of the given %SObject
\return True if it finds a subobject of the %SObject with a definite tag as well as the required subobject.
boolean FindSubObject (in long atag, out SObject obj);
/*! Looks for attributes of a given %SObject
\param aTypeOfAttribute String value defining the type of the required attribute of the given %SObject.
\return True if it finds an attribute of a definite type of the given %SObject as well as the discovered attribute.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
boolean FindAttribute(out GenericAttribute anAttribute,
in string aTypeOfAttribute);
/*! Looks for a %SObject which the given %SObject refers to.
\return The object which the given %SObject refers to as well as True if it finds
this object.
boolean ReferencedObject(out SObject obj); // A REVOIR
/*! Gets all attributes of a given %SObject
\return The list of all attributes of the given %SObject.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
ListOfAttributes GetAllAttributes();
/*! Gets the study of a given %SObject.
\return The study containing the given %SObject.
Study GetStudy();
/*! Gets the CORBA object by its own IOR attribute.
Returns nil, if can't.
\return The CORBA object of the %SObject.
Object GetObject();
Returns the name attribute value of this SObject.
Returns empty string if there is no name attribute.
string GetName();
Returns the comment attribute value of this SObject.
Returns empty string if there is no comment attribute.
string GetComment();
Returns the IOR attribute value of this SObject.
Returns empty string if there is no IOR attribute.
string GetIOR();
Private method, returns an implementation of this SObject.
\param theHostname is a hostname of the caller
\param thePID is a process ID of the caller
\param isLocal is set True if the SObject is launched locally with the caller
long long GetLocalImpl(in string theHostname, in long thePID, out boolean isLocal);
/*! \brief %Generic attribute interface
%Generic attribute is a base interface for all attributes which can be assigned to the SObjects created in the study.
interface GenericAttribute : SALOME::GenericObj
/*! \brief Exception locking all changes
This exception locks all modifications in attributes.
exception LockProtection {};
/*! \brief Method CheckLocked
Checks whether the %Study is protected for modifications.
This exception is raised only outside a transaction.
void CheckLocked() raises (LockProtection);
string Type();
string GetClassType();
SObject GetSObject();
Private method, returns an implementation of this GenericAttribute.
\param theHostname is a hostname of the caller
\param thePID is a process ID of the caller
\param isLocal is set True if the GenericAttribute is launched locally with the caller
long long GetLocalImpl(in string theHostname, in long thePID, out boolean isLocal);
/*! \brief %SComponent interface
The %SComponent interface establishes in the study a permanent assocition to the Components integrated into %SALOME platform.
The %SComponent interface is a specialization of the %SObject interface.
It inherits the most of its methods from the %SObject interface.
interface SComponent : SObject
/*! Gets the data type of the given %SComponent
\return The data type of this %SComponent.
string ComponentDataType();
/*! Gets the IOR of the given component
\return True (if there is an instance of the given component) and its IOR.
boolean ComponentIOR (out ID theID); //returns True if there is an instance
//In this case ID identifies this one
/*! \brief %SComponentIterator interface
This interface contains the methods allowing to iterate over all components in the list.
The search is started from the first %SComponent in the list.
interface SComponentIterator : SALOME::GenericObj
Activates the %SComponentIterator.
void Init();
/*! Method More
\return True if there is one more %SComponent in the list.
boolean More();
Moves the iterator to the next %SComponent in the list.
void Next();
Returns the %SComponent corresponding to the current %SComponent found by the iterator.
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
SComponent Value();
/*! \brief %ChildIterator interface
This interface contains methods which allow to iterate over all child
interface ChildIterator : SALOME::GenericObj
Activates the %ChildIterator.
void Init();
Activates the %ChildIterator for all child levels.
\param allLevels If this boolean parameter is True, the %ChildIterator will be activated for all child levels.
void InitEx(in boolean allLevels);
/*! Method More
\return True if there is one more %ChildIterator in the list.
boolean More();
Passes the iterator to the next level.
void Next();
Returns the %SObject corresponding to the current object found by the iterator.
SObject Value();
/*! \brief Interface of the %UseCaseIterator.
This interface contains a set of methods used for iteration over the objects in the use case.
interface UseCaseIterator : SALOME::GenericObj
Activates the %UseCaseIterator.
\param allLevels If the value of this parameter is True the Iterator is activated for all subobjects.
void Init(in boolean allLevels);
/*! Method More
\return True if the %UseCaseIterator finds one more object.
boolean More();
Passes the iterator to the next object.
void Next();
Returns the %SObject corresponding to the current object found by the Iterator.
SObject Value();
/*! \brief Interface of the %UseCaseBuilder
Use case in the study represents a user-managed subtree, containing all or some of the objects which exist in the study.
The %UseCaseBuilder interface contains a set of methods used for management of the use case in the study.
interface UseCaseBuilder : SALOME::GenericObj
Adds to the use case an object as a child of the current object of the use case.
\param theObject The added %SObject.
\return True if this %SObject has been added in the use case.
boolean Append(in SObject theObject);
Removes an object from the use case.
\param theObject The deleted %SObject
\return True if this %SObject has been deleted from the use case.
boolean Remove(in SObject theObject);
Adds a child object theObject to the given father theFather object in the use case.
boolean AppendTo(in SObject theFather, in SObject theObject);
Inserts in the use case the object theFirst before the object theNext.
boolean InsertBefore(in SObject theFirst, in SObject theNext);
Sets the current object of the use case.
boolean SetCurrentObject(in SObject theObject);
Makes the root object to be the current object of the use case.
boolean SetRootCurrent();
Returns True if the given object theObject of the use case has child objects.
boolean HasChildren(in SObject theObject);
Sets the name of the use case.
boolean SetName(in string theName);
Gets the name of the use case.
string GetName();
Returns True if the given object theObject represents a use case.
boolean IsUseCase(in SObject theObject);
Gets the current object of the use case.
SObject GetCurrentObject();
Creates a new use case in the use case browser.
SObject AddUseCase(in string theName);
Returns the %UseCaseIterator for the given object theObject in the use case.
UseCaseIterator GetUseCaseIterator(in SObject theObject);
/*! \brief %Driver interface
This class represents a common tool for all components integrated into SALOME application, that allows them to communicate with the study. It contains a set of methods which
can be called by any component and which provide the following functionality:
- publishing in the study of the objects created by a definite component
- saving/loading of the data created by a definite component. These methods are called by the StudyManager when loading/saving a study containing the data created by a definite component.
- transforming of the transient references into persistant references (or vice versa) of the SObjects when saving (or loading) a study
- copy/paste common functionality. These methods can be called by any component in order to copy/paste its object created in the study
interface Driver
/*! \brief Saving the data produced by a definite component.
This method is called by the StudyManager when saving a study.
\param theComponent %SComponent corresponding to this Component
\param theURL The path to the file in which the data will be saved.
\param isMultiFile If the value of this boolean parameter is True, the data will be saved in several files.
\return A byte stream TMPFile that contains all saved data
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
TMPFile Save(in SComponent theComponent, in string theURL, in boolean isMultiFile);
/*! \brief Saving the data in ASCII format produced by a definite component.
This method is called by the StudyManager when saving a study in ASCII format.
\param theComponent %SComponent corresponding to this Component
\param theURL The path to the file in which the data will be saved.
\param isMultiFile If the value of this boolean parameter is True, the data will be saved in several files.
\return A byte stream TMPFile that will contain all saved data
See also an example of this method usage in batchmode of %SALOME application.
TMPFile SaveASCII(in SComponent theComponent, in string theURL, in boolean isMultiFile);
/*! \brief Loading the data.
This method is called by the StudyManager when opening a study.
\param theComponent %SComponent corresponding to this Component
\param theStream The file which contains all data saved by the component on Save method
\param isMultiFile If the value of this boolean parameter is True, the data will be loaded from several files
boolean Load(in SComponent theComponent, in TMPFile theStream, in string theURL, in boolean isMultiFile);
/*! \brief Loading the data from files in ASCII format.
This method is called by the StudyManager when opening a study.
\param theComponent %SComponent corresponding to this Component
\param theStream The file which contains all data saved by the component on Save method
\param isMultiFile If the value of this boolean parameter is True, the data will be loaded from several files
boolean LoadASCII(in SComponent theComponent, in TMPFile theStream, in string theURL, in boolean isMultiFile);
/*! \brief Closing of the study
This method Close is called by the StudyManager when closing a study.
\param aSComponent The according %SComponent
void Close (in SComponent aSComponent);
//void Close ( in string aIORSComponent);
/*! Gets the type of the data
\return The type of data produced by the Component in the study.
string ComponentDataType();
// Driver Transient -> persistent called for each object in study
Transforms IOR of a given %SObject into PersistentID. It is called for each
object in the %study.
In %SALOME the objects which are present in an active study are identified by an IOR, when this
study is saved these references are transformed into persintent IDs.
\param theSObject The given %SObject.
\param IORString The IOR of the given %SObject.
\param isMultiFile If this parameter is True the study containing the given %SObject is stored in several files.
\param isASCII If this parameter is True the study containing the given %SObject is stored in ASCII format.
\return The persistent ID of the given %SObject
string IORToLocalPersistentID (in SObject theSObject,
in string IORString,
in boolean isMultiFile,
in boolean isASCII);
Transforms PersistentID into IOR of the object. It is called for each
object in the %study.
In %SALOME the objects which are present in an saved study (file) are identified by a persistent ID, when this
study is open, these references are transformed into persintent IORs.
\param theSObject The given %SObject.
\param IORString The IOR of the given %SObject.
\param isMultiFile If this parameter is True the study containing the given %SObject is stored in several files.
\param isASCII If this parameter is True the study containing the given %SObject is stored in ASCII format.
\return The IOR of the given %SObject
string LocalPersistentIDToIOR (in SObject theSObject,
in string aLocalPersistentID,
in boolean isMultiFile,
in boolean isASCII)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Publishing in the study
/*! Publishing in the study
\return True if the given %Component can publish a definite object with a given IOR in the %study.
\param theIOR The IOR of a definite object
boolean CanPublishInStudy(in Object theIOR) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
/*! \brief Publishing in the study
Publishes the given object in the %study, using the algorithm of this component.
\param theStudy The %study in which the object is published
\param theSObject If this parameter is null the object is published for the first time. Otherwise
this parameter should contain a reference to the object published earlier
\param theObject The object which is published
\param theName The name of the published object. If this parameter is empty, the name is generated
automatically by the component.
\return The published %SObject.
SObject PublishInStudy(in Study theStudy, in SObject theSObject, in Object theObject, in string theName);
// copy/paste methods
Returns True, if the given %SObject can be copied to the clipboard.
\param theObject The given %SObject which should be copied.
boolean CanCopy(in SObject theObject);
Returns the object %ID and the %TMPFile of the object from the given %SObject.
TMPFile CopyFrom(in SObject theObject, out long theObjectID);
Returns True, if the component can paste the object with given %ID of the component with name theComponentName.
boolean CanPaste(in string theComponentName, in long theObjectID);
Returns the %SObject of the pasted object.
SObject PasteInto(in TMPFile theStream, in long theObjectID, in SObject theObject);