/*! \page python-api A word on the Python API The Python API is highly similar to the C++ one. The main modules to import are: - %MEDCoupling - %MEDLoader (with mainly the static \ref MEDLoader "MEDLoader class" within this module) The following intuitive rules have been used to map the C++ objects to the Python ones: - std::vector become standard Python lists, see for example \ref py_mcdataarrayint_setpartofvalues where the function ParaMEDMEM::DataArray::setInfoOnComponents() is used. - the return values of C++ functions (usually passed as last arguments in the C++ prototype) are returned directly as a tuple, see for example the Python usage of ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingUMesh::getReverseNodalConnectivity() in \ref cpp_mcumesh_getReverseNodalConnectivity. The initial prototype where the return values are passed as argument can however still be used, provided you instantiate the returned objects first. - the indexing mechanism is greatly simplified in Python, and offers similar functionalities to what NumPy provides thanks to the ':' (column) operator. Once can for example refer to part of an array with something like \code{.py} import MEDCoupling as mc d = mc.DataArrayInt([(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)], 3, 2) # an array of 3 tuples with 2 components print d[:,1] # show only second component of the array: 2,4,6 \endcode Finally for the most common objects (DataArray, MEDCouplingUMesh, etc ...) one can direclty access the Doxygen documentation in the interactive Python interpreter using the built-in help function from Python: \code{.py} import MEDCoupling as mc help(mc.DataArrayDouble.getNumberOfTuples) \endcode */