/*! \page intro-start What can I do with MED? Simulation studies require the manipulation of \ref meshes "meshes" and \ref fields "fields" for data pre-processing, in calculation schemes (including chaining and coupling of codes), or even for results post-processing. Corresponding computer codes can be viewed as software components accessing input \ref meshes "meshes" and \ref fields "fields" (with specific constraints) along with parameters (datasets), and producing output \ref meshes "meshes" and \ref fields "fields". Each code presents by construction the specificities of its discipline. The \ref library "MED module" aims at pooling operations on those items, facilitating their use by various codes involved in a simulation process. This includes making codes communicate while preserving as much as possible the integrity of their content. To fulfill its objective, the \ref library "MED module" includes: - Handling \ref meshes "meshes" and \ref fields "fields" to satisfy code input requirements. - Extraction of field information to post-process computation results of a code. - \ref interpolation "Projections" and serialization to \ref para-dec "exchange meshes and fields" between codes. In addition, the \ref library "MED module" offers several interfacing levels; users can thus benefit from an interaction level adapted to their codes. The main services offered by \ref library "MEDCoupling" are: - Manipulation of \ref fields "fields" and their support \ref meshes "mesh", serialized with the \ref medloader "MED format". - Operations on scalars, vectors, and second order tensors. - 1D/2D/3D \ref interpolation "interpolation" on nodes, cells, Gauss points and nodes by element. MEDCoupling thus considers: - the \ref MEDCouplingMeshes "data dimension". - the \ref NatureOfField "physical nature" of the information stored in a field, as well as conservation laws. - the field profiles and the mesh connectivity. \image html projectionHQ_600.png