/*! \page functionalities Available functionalities This page tries to list most of the available functionalities of the %MEDCoupling library. It is by no mean exhaustive, but gives an overview of the capabilities of the core library. \section directOperations Direct operations on fields \subsection directOperations_creation Field creation - From scratch: \b New - Copy: \b clone*, \b deepCpy \subsection directOperations_modification Partial modifications - Creation: \b New, \b setMesh, \b setArray* \n \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES Example 1: \ref medcouplingpyexamplesFieldDoubleBuild1 \n Example 2: \ref medcouplingpyexamplesFieldDoubleBuild2 \n Example 3: \ref medcouplingpyexamplesFieldDoubleBuild3 \n Example 4: \ref medcouplingpyexamplesFieldDoubleBuild4 \n \endif - Copy - \b buildNewTimeReprFromThis \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES . Example: \ref py_mcfielddouble_buildNewTimeReprFromThis \endif - Subparts - \b buildSubPart* \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES . Example: \ref py_mcfielddouble_subpart1 \endif - \b keepSelectedComponents, \b setSelectedComponents And also: - Description: \b setName - I/O: cf. MEDLoader \section arithmeticOperations Local arithmetic \subsection arithmeticOperations_scalar Operations on scalars - Affectation - From a constant: \b = - From an expression: \b applyFunc* \b applyLin \b fillFromAnalytic* \n \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES Example 1: \ref py_mcfielddouble_applyFunc_same_nb_comp \n Example 2: \ref py_mcfielddouble_applyFunc3 \n Example 3: \ref py_mcfielddouble_applyFunc2 \n Example 4: \ref py_mcfielddouble_applyFunc \n Example 5: \ref py_mcmesh_fillFromAnalytic3 \n Example 6: \ref py_mcmesh_fillFromAnalytic2 \n Example 7: \ref py_mcmesh_fillFromAnalytic \n Example 8: \ref cpp_mcfielddouble_fillFromAnalytic_c_func \n Example 9: \ref cpp_mcfielddouble_applyFunc_c_func \endif - Addition - \b + \b += \b AddFields \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES . Example: \ref medcouplingpyexamplesFieldDoubleBuild5 \endif - Subtraction - \b \- \b \-= \b SubstractFields - \b substractInPlaceDM \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES . Example: \ref py_mcfielddouble_substractInPlaceDM \endif - Multiplication - \b * \b *= \b MultiplyFields \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES . Example: \ref medcouplingpyexamplesFieldDoubleBuild5 \endif - Division: - \b / \b /= \b DivideFields \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES . Example: \ref medcouplingpyexamplesFieldDoubleBuild5 \endif - Power: \b ^ \b ^= \b PowFields \subsection arithmeticOperations_vector Operations on vectors or second order tensors - Contracted product: \b doublyContractedProduct - Determinant: \b determinant - Eigenvalues and eigenvectors: \b eigenValues, \b eigenVectors - Tensor inversion: \b inverse - Trace: \b trace - Deviator: \b deviator - Norms: \b norm* \section interpolationOperations Interpolation A full section is dedicated to interpolation, as this is far from being a trivial matter. See: \ref interpolation \section globalOperations Global operations - Spatial extrema: \b MaxFields, \b MinFields \n \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES Example: \ref py_mcfielddouble_MaxFields \endif - Spatial mean: \b getAverageValue - Temporal extrema - \b getMaxValue* - \b getMinValue* \section otherOperations Others - Renumbering a mesh: \b renumber* \n \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES Example 1: \ref py_mcfielddouble_renumberNodes \n Example 2: \ref py_mcfielddouble_renumberCells \endif - Merge non overlapping fields: \b MergeFields \n \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES Example: \ref py_mcfielddouble_MergeFields \endif */