/*! \page MEDCouplingCMeshPage Cartesian mesh A cartesian mesh is a mesh that represents structured mesh whose nodes are arranged along axes of trihedron. To instantiate an object of this type, only n arrays are needed. In this type of mesh space dimension \b and mesh dimension are equals and the value is n ( with n in [1,2,3] ). The n arrays will have only one component and the values contained in these arrays will be ascendently sorted. The class that incarnates the described concept is : ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingCMesh. \section MEDCouplingCMeshStdBuild Standard building of a cartesian mesh from scratch Let's present an example of a 2D cartesian mesh. \ref medcouplingcppexamplesCmeshStdBuild1 "Here the C++ implementation." \ref medcouplingpyexamplesCmeshStdBuild1 "Here the Python implementation." */