/*! \page remapper The remapper class. \section InterpKerHighLevUsage High-level usage The simplest way of using the \ref intro-interp "interpolations" in sequential mode is to use the class \c MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingRemapper . This class fulfills \c HXX2SALOME rules and may be used in YACS coupling graphs. If you intend to use \ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling data structures", the MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingRemapper class should be used. \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES Here is a \ref cpp_mcfield_remapper_highlevel "C++ example". \endif \section InterpKerMidLevUsage Middle-level usage This mode is the mode that needs the minimum of prerequisites (algorithms and the data structure you intend to use). On the other hand it is needed to specify precisely nature of interpolator. As a consequence of the genericity of the interpolators, they are usable only by instantiating an underlying \ref InterpKerMeshType "mesh" and \ref InterpKerMatrixType "matrix" data structure fulfilling some requirements. \if ENABLE_EXAMPLES Here is a \ref cpp_mcfield_remapper_middlelevel "C++ example". \endif */