/*! \page discretization Spatial and temporal discretizations TODO: enhance this page \section field-space Spatial discretization A field can be supported by: - the nodes (vertices) of the mesh: built with the \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::New "ON_NODES" keyword. This is sometimes called a P1 field. - the cells (or "elements") of the mesh: built with the \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::New "ON_CELLS" keyword. This is sometimes called a P0 field. - or more complex items (Gauss points, etc ...) \section field-time Temporal discretization A field has a temporal discretization. It can be one of: - \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::New "NO_TIME" - \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::New "ONE_TIME" - \ref ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingFieldDouble::New "CONST_ON_TIME_INTERVAL" */