/*! \page med-file Notes on the MED file format \section med-file-intro Introduction The MED file format is a specialization of the HDF5 standard, and existed well before MEDCoupling. Take a look at the HDF5 Group website for more details on HDF5 itself. It focuses on (potentially) big amount of data, and the design philosophy was to facilitate a parallel usage. The official documentation of the MED-file format is available on-line (in French) in your SALOME installation at: \code{.sh} ${MEDFILE_ROOT_DIR}/share/doc/html/index.html \endcode Remember that the term "MED-file" denotes both: - a file format on disk (I/O) - a comprehensive low level C library to read/write MED files (now with a Python wrapping) and authored by Eric FAYOLLE (EdF R&D). \section med-file-struct What does it look like? The picture below shows an UML-like diagram of the MED file format. We see for example that the mesh name is the unique key linking a \ref fields "field" to its supporting \ref meshes "mesh". \image html med-file-uml.png "Functional diagram of the MED file format" */