










IdType VISU::Base::GetID  

#Returns ID of the object. That is IOR of CORBA representation a VISU object.

aSObject = myLocalStudy.FindObjectIOR(theResult.GetID())

VISUType VISU::Base::GetType  

#Returns the type of the presentable object. It can be used for quick class definition of an VISU object

if aVISUObject.GetType() == VISU.TSCALARMAP :
    #do something ...


void VISU::VISU_Gen::SetCurrentStudy in SALOMEDS::Study    theStudy

SALOMEDS::Study VISU::VISU_Gen::GetCurrentStudy  

#It is very important to set SALOMEDS::Study for VISU Engine before you start any work with them.
#Every object that you will create will be assigned to the study you set before.
#It can be done like this:

aStudy = myStudyManager.NewStudy("A foo Study")
if aStudy is None : raise RuntimeError, "Error"
else : print "OK"
    #to do every things you like

ViewManager VISU::VISU_Gen::GetViewManager  

Gets the ViewManager which is used for creation of post-processing presentations.

#In order to display any VISU::PrsObject in propriate viewer you must take VISU::ViewManager interface

aViewManager = myVisuGen.GetViewManager()
#to do something for displaing some presentation

SALOMEDS::SObject VISU::VISU_Gen::ImportTables in string    theFileName

Imports tables from a file and create TableAttribute in Sudy

#It is possible to import some ASCII files that include text table representation. One file can consist from more than one table.

aSObject = myVisuGen.ImportTables("/MyPresicousFileOfTables.txt")

Result VISU::VISU_Gen::ImportFile in string    theFileName

Imports data from a file.

#It is possible import a med files to VISU

aResult = myVisuGen.ImportFile("/ItIsDreamOfMyLife.med")

Result VISU::VISU_Gen::ImportMed in SALOMEDS::SObject    theMedSObject

Imports data from a MED object.


Result VISU::VISU_Gen::ImportMedField in SALOME_MED::FIELD    theField

Imports data from a MED field.

Mesh VISU::VISU_Gen::MeshOnEntity in Result    theResult,

in string    theMeshName,

in Entity    theEntity


Creates a Mesh on the basis of the data generated in other sources (MED object or file).

Mesh VISU::VISU_Gen::FamilyMeshOnEntity in Result    theResult,

in string    theMeshName,

in Entity    theEntity,

in string    theFamilyName

Mesh VISU::VISU_Gen::GroupMesh in Result    theResult,

in string    theMeshName,

in string    theGroupName

ScalarMap VISU::VISU_Gen::ScalarMapOnField in Result    theResult,

in string    theMeshName,

in Entity    theEntity,

in string    theFieldName,

in double    theIteration


Creates a scalar bar presentation.

theResult  Data generated in other sources. (MED object or file)
theMeshName  One of the meshes presented in MED file
theEntity  Type of entity where the field is defined
theFieldName  Group of data attributed to the MESH. The data can be scalar or vector.
theIteration  Number of iteration on the field

DeformedShape VISU::VISU_Gen::DeformedShapeOnField in Result    theResult,

in string    theMeshName,

in Entity    theEntity,

in string    theFieldName,

in double    theIteration


Creates a deformed shape presentation.

theResult  Data generated in other sources. (MED object or file)
theMeshName  One of the meshes presented in MED file
theEntity  Type of entity where the field is defined
theFieldName  Group of data attributed to the MESH. The data can be scalar or vector.
theIteration  Number of iteration on the field

Vectors VISU::VISU_Gen::VectorsOnField in Result    theResult,

in string    theMeshName,

in Entity    theEntity,

in string    theFieldName,

in double    theIteration


Creates a vector presentation.

theResult  Data generated in other sources. (MED object or file)
theMeshName  One of the meshes presented in MED file
theEntity  Type of entity where the field is defined
theFieldName  Group of data attributed to the MESH. The data can be scalar or vector.
theIteration  Number of iteration on the field

IsoSurfaces VISU::VISU_Gen::IsoSurfacesOnField in Result    theResult,

in string    theMeshName,

in Entity    theEntity,

in string    theFieldName,

in double    theIteration


Creates an iso surface presentation.

theResult  Data generated in other sources. (MED object or file)
theMeshName  One of the meshes presented in MED file
theEntity  Type of entity where the field is defined
theFieldName  Group of data attributed to the MESH. The data can be scalar or vector.
theIteration  Number of iteration on the field

StreamLines VISU::VISU_Gen::StreamLinesOnField in Result    theResult,

in string    theMeshName,

in Entity    theEntity,

in string    theFieldName,

in double    theIteration


Creates an stream lines presentation.

theResult  Data generated in other sources. (MED object or file)
theMeshName  One of the meshes presented in MED file
theEntity  Type of entity where the field is defined
theFieldName  Group of data attributed to the MESH. The data can be scalar or vector.
theIteration  Number of iteration on the field

CutPlanes VISU::VISU_Gen::CutPlanesOnField in Result    theResult,

in string    theMeshName,

in Entity    theEntity,

in string    theFieldName,

in double    theIteration


Creates a presentation of cut planes.

theResult  Data generated in other sources. (MED object or file)
theMeshName  One of the meshes presented in MED file
theEntity  Type of entity where the field is defined