/*! \page SALOME_Application SALOME Application Concept Configuration for one or more computers **WORK in PROGRESS, INCOMPLETE DOCUMENT** The following explains how to configure your own application with your list of modules, how to define and run this application on one or more computers. \section S1_sal_appl General principles %A %SALOME application is defined by a set of modules (GEOM, SMESH, ASTER...). %A %SALOME User can define several %SALOME Applications. These applications are runnable from the same user account. These applications may share the same KERNEL and modules. Thus, the application configuration is independant of KERNEL and must not be put in KERNEL_ROOT_DIR. Furthermore, prerequisites may not be the same on all the applications. %A %SALOME Session can run on a several computers. Binary modules and prerequisites are installed on the different computers. There is no need to have all the modules on each computer (the minimum is KERNEL). There is no need of standardization or centralised information on the details of configuration on each computer (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, environment variables) provided the application modules are version - compatible. Details of configuration stay private to the computer, and are held by scripts on each computer. There is no hierarchy between the computers (for example only one master computer used to launch application). The %SALOME user has an account on all the computers. Access between account@computer is via rsh or ssh and must be configured for use without password (key exchange for ssh). Account may be different on each computer. \section S2_sal_appl Application Directory There is two ways for creation of an application directory
  1. First way - references to different module directories The script createAppli.sh in ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/SALOME creates an application directory with the given path in parameter. ${APPLI} is a path relative to ${HOME}. The directory is only a skeleton, the user has to edit several files to configure his own application. These files are described after, the list is: - env.d/atFirst.sh - env.d/envProducts.sh - env.d/envSALOME.sh - CatalogResources.xml - SALOMEApp.xml
  2. Second and easiest way - one single virtual install directory The user must create a %SALOME application configuration file by modifying a copy of ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/SALOME/config_appli.xml. The file describes the list of %SALOME modules used in the application, with their respective installation path. The configuration file also defines the path of an existing script which sets the %SALOME prerequisites, and optionnaly, the path of samples directory (SAMPLES_SRC). The following command:: \code python /bin/SALOME/appli_gen.py --prefix= --config= \endcode creates a virtual installation of %SALOME in the application directory ${APPLI} (bin, lib, doc, share...), with, for each file (executable, script, data, library, resources...), symbolic links to the actual file. Providing an existing an existing script for %SALOME prerequisites (the same one used for modules compilation, or given with the modules installation), the installation works without further modification for a single computer (unless some modules needs a special environment not defined in the above script). For a distributed application (several computers), one must copy and adapt CatalogResources.xml from ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/SALOME/appliskel (see below).
\section S3_sal_appl General rules Directory ${APPLI} must be created on each computer of the application. The easiest way is to use the same relative path (to ${HOME}) on each computer. (Sometimes it is not possible to use the same path everywhere, for instance when ${HOME} is shared with NFS, so it is possible to define different path following the computers). The ${APPLI} directory contains scripts for environment and runs. Environment scripts must be configured (by the user) on each computer. All the environment scripts are in the ${APPLI}/env.d directory. The script ${APPLI}/envd sources **all** the files (\*.sh) in ${APPLI}/env.d in alphanumeric order (after edition, think to remove backup files). the envd script is used by run scripts.
  1. env.d scripts With the first way of installation, each user **must define** his own configuration for these scripts, following the above rules. With the virtual installation (second way, above), env.d scripts are built automatically. **The following is only an example proposed by createAppli.sh, (first way of installation) not working as it is**. - atFirst.sh Sets the computer configuration not directly related to %SALOME, like useful tools, default PATH. - envProducts.sh Sets the %SALOME prerequisites. - envSALOME.sh Sets all the MODULE_ROOT_DIR that can be used in the %SALOME application. SALOMEAppConfig is also defined by: \code export SALOMEAppConfig=${HOME}/${APPLI} \endcode where SALOMEAppConfig designates the directory containing SALOMEApp.xml. Note that ${APPLI} is already defined by the calling scripts when env.d/envSALOME.sh is sourced.
  2. User run scripts The %SALOME user can use 4 scripts: - runAppli Launches a %SALOME Session (similar to ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/SALOME/runSALOME but with a different name to avoid confusions). - runSession Launches a shell script in the %SALOME application environment, with access to the current (last launched) %SALOME session (naming service), if any. Without arguments, the script is interactive. With arguments, the script executes the command in the %SALOME application environment. - runConsole Gives a python console connected to the current %SALOME Session. It is also possible to use runSession, then python. - runTests Similar to runSession, used for unit testing. runSession tries to use an already existing naming service definition from a running session (hostname and port number), runTests defines a new configuration for naming service (new port number).
  3. %SALOME internal run scripts - envd Sets %SALOME application environment, envd is sourced by other scripts. For remote calls, %SALOME uses one script. - runRemote.sh This script is mainly used to launch containers. The first 2 arguments define the hostname and port userd for naming service, the remaining arguments define the command to execute.
  4. Other configuration files - SALOMEApp.xml This file is similar to the default given in ${GUI_ROOT_DIR}/share/SALOME/resources/gui - CatalogRessources.xml This files describes all the computers the application can use. The given example is minimal and suppose ${APPLI} is the same relative path to ${HOME}, on all the computers. %A different directory can be set on a particular computer with a line: \code appliPath="my/specific/path/on/this/computer" \endcode
\section S4_sal_appl Examples of use
  1. Launch a %SALOME session with a GUI interface Launch is done with a command like:: \code ./runAppli --logger \endcode The --logger option means here : collect all the traces from the all the distributed process, via CORBA, in a single file : logger.log. There are a lot of options, a complete list is given by:: \code ./runAppli --help \endcode Note that, without argument, runAppli is a non interactive Python application, and, with arguments, runAppli is an interactive Python interpreter. Several options are already defined by default in SALOMEApp.xml files. Optional arguments given in the command override the SALOMEApp.xml configuration. Several sessions can run simultaneously, each session use a different port for CORBA naming service, so the sessions are totally separated from each other. When the GUI is closed, the different %SALOME servers are still running.
  2. Close a %SALOME session, kill all the servers Inside the interactive python interpreter you get when you use runAppli with arguments, you can kill all the servers of your session with:: \code >>> killLocalPort() \endcode or the servers of all the sessions with:: \code >>> killAllPorts() \endcode If you have no active Python interpreter connected to your session, you can kill all the %SALOME servers of **all the sessions** on a given computer:: \code ./runSession killSALOME.py \endcode Remember! it's the same idea in *Windows (R) operating system* (Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries) : use the start menu to stop... When you use only one session at a time, you don't need more. To kill a given session (when several session are running), one needs the naming service port number:: \code ./runSession killSALOMEWithPort 2810 \endcode Note that the port number of the last launched session can be found on Linux, in the prompt, within a runSession shell (see below). It is also possible to get the Naming Service host and port number of the last launched session with:: \code ./runSession NSparam.py \endcode
  3. Launch a %SALOME session without GUI interface This is used to launch a %SALOME Python script without GUI (no GUI %server = SALOME_session_server) Example of script (test_session_geom.py): \code import SALOME_session SALOME_session.startSession(modules=["GEOM"]) import GEOM_usinggeom raw_input("Press a key and the servers will be killed ...") \endcode This script is run in a non interactive way with:: \code ./runSession python test_session_geom.py \endcode All the process are automatically killed when Python is closed (with SALOME_session delete).
  4. Add an external Python interpretor to a running session It's often easier to develop and try Python scripts outside the GUI embedded Python interpreter. Imagine, for instance, you are writing a script involving geometry and mesh modules. first, launch a %SALOME session with gui, then, on another terminal:: \code ./runSession python \endcode Import %SALOME module. SALOME_init() without arguments creates a new study in the running session (note: SALOME_init(n) attachs to a running session whose studyId is n):: \code import SALOME SALOME.SALOME_init() \endcode An example of script given with SMESH:: \code import ex01_cube2build \endcode It is possible to connect the GUI interface to the study created in the above script with the file/connect menu, then browse study and display objects. Further modifications on study can be done either with GUI or external script (use refresh popup in GUI %object browser to see study modifications generated by the external script). **AVOID modifications with GUI when a Python script is running**. Not all the modules are protected against concurrent actions...
  5. Different uses of the runSession shell interpreter runSession invoked without arguments gives an interactive shell with the full environment of %SALOME (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PYTHONPATH, other variables). If there are running sessions of the same %SALOME application, runSession connects to the last launched session (i.e. gets the naming service references of the session: hostname and port) On Linux, the shell prompt (bash) gives information on naming service references, hostname and port:: \code [NS=cli76cc:2811]prascle@cli76cc:~/SALOME2/Run/Virtual$ \endcode If there is no running session, prompt looks like:: \code [NS=:]prascle@cli76cc:~/SALOME2/Run/Virtual$ \endcode runSession is useful to launch any script or program which needs the complete %SALOME environment, with or without a session already running. For instance, to launch the ddd debugger interface on the gui %server, first launch a %SALOME session with gui, then, on another terminal:: \code ./runSession ddd \endcode Then attach to the running SALOME_Session_Server process.