/*! \page running_salome_page Running Salome There are two ways to run %SALOME: 1) Using Salome Application Concept approach. For more details see \ref SALOME_Application. 2) Using \c %runSalome script supplied with %SALOME KERNEL module distribution. To launch %SALOME using \c %runSalome script, you have first to set-up proper environment for %SALOME. If you installed %SALOME using %SALOME Installation Wizard (Linux), you can use \c salome.sh or \c salome.csh script (that is located in the \c KERNEL_<version> directory of your %SALOME installation), for example: \code cd /home/user/salome_6.5.0/KERNEL_6.5.0 source salome.csh \endcode Launch %SALOME session using the \c %runSalome script located in the \c SALOME/KERNEL/bin/salome directory: \code runSalome [options] [STUDY_FILE] [PYTHON_FILE [PYTHON_FILE ...]] \endcode Optionally, you can specify in the command line: - Study (document) file to be opened in %SALOME session passing; - One or more Python scripts to be executed after %SALOME start-up. Python scripts will be executed in the new or opened study in the order they appear in the command line. The \c %runSalome script supports large set of options that allow specifying the way to launch %SALOME session. Complete description of all options can be obtained using \c --help or -h option: \code runSalome --help \endcode Here below is a description of most important options: - \c --help or \c -h Print detail help information on the \c %runSalome script. - \c --version Print version of %SALOME platform. - \c --gui or \c -g Launch %SALOME sesssion in GUI mode (with GUI desktop). - \c --terminal or \c -t Launch %SALOME session in terminal mode (without GUI). - \c --resources=<file> or \c -r \c <file> Parse application settings from the <file> instead of default resource file. Default resource file is situated in user's home directory; for example, for %SALOME version 6.5.0, the file is ${HOME}/.config/salome/.SalomeApprc.6.5.0 - \c --modules=module1,module2,... or \c -m=module1,module2,... Specify the list of modules which will be used in the %SALOME session being launched. Note, that list of modules is separated be comma symbols, with no any spaces. - \c --xterm or \c -x The servers open in separate terminal window and log messages are displayed in this window. - --embedded=registry,study,moduleCatalog,cppContainer/ or -e=registry,study,moduleCatalog,cppContainer Run listed %SALOME servers in the GUI embedded mode (default value is registry,study,moduleCatalog,cppContainer). Note that logger, pyContainer, and supervContainer servers cannot be embedded to GUI. Note, that this option implies running %SALOME in GUI mode (\c -g option); in terminal mode all servers are running in standalone mode. - --standalone=registry,study,moduleCatalog,cppContainer,pyContainer,supervContainer or -s=registry,study,moduleCatalog,cppContainer,pyContainer,supervContainer Standalone CORBA servers (default: pyContainer,supervContainer). - \c --portkill or \c -p Kill %SALOME session launched with the current port. - \c --killall or \c -k Kill (stop) all running %SALOME sessions before launching new session. - \c --splash=<1/0> or \c -z <1/0> Use 1 to display splash screen [default] at start-up, 0 to disable splash screen. This option is ignored in the terminal mode. - \c --pinter Launch with interactive Python console. - --interp=n or -i=n Number of additional Python interpreters to open, with session environment propely set-up. */