/*! \page python_doc_api Documentation of the programming interface (API) This section describes the python modules of the salome.kernel python package. The main part is generated from the code documentation included in source python files. - salome.kernel - Package containing the KERNEL python utilities - deprecation - Indication of deprecated modules and functions - termcolor - Display colored text in terminal - logger - Logging utility - enumerate - Emulates a C-like enum for python - uiexception - %Exception for user error management - datamodeler - Helper for modeling user data - diclookup - Smart dictionary with key/value lookup - service - Helper for using %SALOME kernel services - studyedit - Study editor - unittester - Run very basic unit tests - pyunittester - Simple wrapper of the pyunit framework - salome.kernel.parametric - Package for parametric studies - study_exchange_vars - Handle Exchange Variables - compo_utils - Useful functions for %SALOME components used in parametric studies - pyscript_utils - Useful functions for Python scripts used in parametric studies */