/*! \mainpage SALOME KERNEL Reference Documentation \image html icon_about.png Welcome to the %SALOME KERNEL documentation ! Following your kind of usage of %SALOME, you will find some specific introductory documentation, listed below. \section S2_main End user -# How to configure a %SALOME application\n The end user may have to configure his own %SALOME application by selection of a subset of availables %SALOME modules. He also may want to install his application on several computers. See \subpage SALOME_Application to define your own configuration of %SALOME and run it on one or several computers. This is the recommended way of configuration. -# How to launch %SALOME in a %SALOME application\n See \ref SALOME_Application. -# How to use KERNEL services in Python scripts\n The %SALOME KERNEL offers a list of services available in Python. See \subpage KERNEL_Services. -# How to use KERNEL services from a C++ context\n The %SALOME KERNEL provides you with helper functions to manipulate the %SALOME KERNEL services from a C++ programming context. See \subpage KERNEL_Services_CppHelpers. \Section S3_main Application Integrator Applications integrators are in charge of configuration and installation of specific %SALOME applications over a local network. Application Integrators built %SALOME modules binaries from sources tarballs. -# How to install %SALOME\n See \subpage INSTALL for general information on required configuration and prerequisites, compilation procedure, setting environment principles. -# How to configure a %SALOME application\n See \ref SALOME_Application to define your own configuration of %SALOME and run it on one or several computers. This is the recommended way of configuration. \section S4_main Module maintainer Module maintainers are in charge of the development and debug of the %SALOME modules. Each %SALOME module is stored in a CVS base. CVS bases are organised in separate branches for developments and debug. All official or development releases are identified by a CVS tag. -# Source code structuration and Unit Tests\n See \subpage UnitTests for general information on code directories structure, unit tests associated to the different kind of classes, and how to run the unit tests. -# Some development utilities \n See \subpage kernel_resources for information on basic utilities for C++ and Python development, like trace and debug, exceptions, singleton. \section S5_main SALOME programming model You will find in the next pages informations about specific points of %SALOME Kernel : - \subpage kernel_salome - \subpage dsc_page : DSC documentation page. - \subpage salome_file_page : Salome_file documentation page. - Documentation of the KERNEL python package : The package salome.kernel provides logging tools, high-level functions to handle items in Salome study, and other utilities. */