VISU.View Interface Reference

View interface More...

import "VISU_Gen.idl";

Inheritance diagram for VISU.View:

Inheritance graph

Public Types

 ViewRepresentation enumeration More...
enum  ViewPosition {

Public Member Functions

void ShowPart (in ViewRepresentation ViewRepr, in boolean state)
boolean IsPartShown (in ViewRepresentation ViewRepr)
void SplitRight ()
 Split workarea of this view.
void SplitLeft ()
 Split workarea of this view.
void SplitBottom ()
 Split workarea of this view.
void SplitTop ()
 Split workarea of this view.
void OnTop ()
void Attract (in View theView)
void AttractAll (in View theView)
void SetRelativePositionInSplitter (in double thePosition)
void SetRelativeSizeInSplitter (in double theSize)
void SetRelativePositionX (in double thePosition)
void SetRelativePositionY (in double thePosition)
void SetRelativeSizeX (in double theSize)
void SetRelativeSizeY (in double theSize)
void SetViewWidth (in long Width)
void SetViewHeight (in long Height)
long GetViewWidth ()
long GetViewHeight ()
void SetViewPositionHorizontal (in ViewPosition ViewPosHor)
void SetViewPositionVertical (in ViewPosition ViewPosVer)
void SetRelativePosition (in double x, in double y)
void SetRelativeSize (in double x, in double y)
void Minimize ()
void Restore ()
void Maximize ()
void SetTitle (in string theTitle)
string GetTitle ()
void SetBackground (in SALOMEDS::Color theColor)
SALOMEDS::Color GetBackground ()
void EraseAll ()
void DisplayAll ()
void Erase (in PrsObject thePrsObj)
void Display (in PrsObject thePrsObj)
void DisplayOnly (in PrsObject thePrsObj)
void Update ()
boolean SavePicture (in string theFileName)
IdType GetID ()
VISUType GetType ()

Detailed Description

Contains a set of methods used by the View frame, which can be one of the following types: 3d, Table, XY plot. View interface is a base for all types of view interfaces.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum VISU::View::ViewRepresentation

displaying part ("ALL" isn't setable)


enum VISU::View::ViewPosition


Member Function Documentation

void VISU.View.ShowPart in ViewRepresentation  ViewRepr,
in boolean  state

boolean VISU.View.IsPartShown in ViewRepresentation  ViewRepr  ) 

void VISU.View.SplitRight  ) 

Horizontally split workarea of this view. This view is moved in a new right area.

void VISU.View.SplitLeft  ) 

Horizontally split workarea of this view. This view stays in an old left area, others are moved in a new right area.

void VISU.View.SplitBottom  ) 

Vertically split workarea of this view. This view is moved in a new bottom area.

void VISU.View.SplitTop  ) 

Vertically split workarea of this view. This view stays in an old top area, others are moved in a new bottom area.

void VISU.View.OnTop  ) 

Put this view window on top of its work area.

void VISU.View.Attract in View  theView  ) 

Put theView in workarea of this view right after it. If theView was alone in its workarea, workarea of theView will be destroyed. If theView was in the same workarea with this view, simple reordering will take place.

theView A view window to be attracted to this one.

void VISU.View.AttractAll in View  theView  ) 

Put all the view windows from workarea of theView in workarea of this view right after it. Workarea of theView will be destroyed. If theView was in the same workarea with this view, simple reordering will take place.

theView A view window to be attracted to this one together with all its workarea.

void VISU.View.SetRelativePositionInSplitter in double  thePosition  ) 

Set position of this view window relatively its splitter.

thePosition Desired position of this view window relatively its splitter. Meaningfull values lays in range [0..1].
Direction of positioning is defined by the splitter orientation.

void VISU.View.SetRelativeSizeInSplitter in double  theSize  ) 

Set size of this view window relatively its splitter.

theSize Desired size of this view window relatively its splitter. Meaningfull values lays in range [0..1].
Direction of resizing is defined by the splitter orientation.

void VISU.View.SetRelativePositionX in double  thePosition  ) 

Set horizontal position of this view window relatively its workstack.

thePosition Desired horizontal position of this view window relatively its workstack. Meaningfull values lays in range [0..1].

void VISU.View.SetRelativePositionY in double  thePosition  ) 

Set vertical position of this view window relatively its workstack.

thePosition Desired vertical position of this view window relatively its workstack. Meaningfull values lays in range [0..1].

void VISU.View.SetRelativeSizeX in double  theSize  ) 

Set horizontal size of this view window relatively its workstack.

theSize Desired horizontal size of this view window relatively its workstack. Meaningfull values lays in range [0..1].

void VISU.View.SetRelativeSizeY in double  theSize  ) 

Set vertical size of this view window relatively its workstack.

theSize Desired vertical size of this view window relatively its workstack. Meaningfull values lays in range [0..1].

void VISU.View.SetViewWidth in long  Width  ) 

Old methods for view parameters management, they don't work now

void VISU.View.SetViewHeight in long  Height  ) 

long VISU.View.GetViewWidth  ) 

long VISU.View.GetViewHeight  ) 

void VISU.View.SetViewPositionHorizontal in ViewPosition  ViewPosHor  ) 

void VISU.View.SetViewPositionVertical in ViewPosition  ViewPosVer  ) 

void VISU.View.SetRelativePosition in double  x,
in double  y

void VISU.View.SetRelativeSize in double  x,
in double  y

void VISU.View.Minimize  ) 

void VISU.View.Restore  ) 

void VISU.View.Maximize  ) 

void VISU.View.SetTitle in string  theTitle  ) 

Sets the title of the View frame.

theTitle String parameter defining the title of the View frame.

string VISU.View.GetTitle  ) 

Gets the title of the View frame.

void VISU.View.SetBackground in SALOMEDS::Color  theColor  ) 

Sets background color of the View frame.

theColor Background color defined in SALOMEDS.Color enumeration.

SALOMEDS::Color VISU.View.GetBackground  ) 

Gets background color of the View frame.

void VISU.View.EraseAll  ) 

Removes all presentations (presentable objects) from the view.

void VISU.View.DisplayAll  ) 

Displays all presentations (presentable objects) in the view.

void VISU.View.Erase in PrsObject  thePrsObj  ) 

Removes a definite presentation (presentable object) from the view.

thePrsObj The presentation (presentable object) which should be deleted.

void VISU.View.Display in PrsObject  thePrsObj  ) 

Displays a definite presentation (presentable object) in the view.

thePrsObj The presentation (presentable object) which should be displayed.

void VISU.View.DisplayOnly in PrsObject  thePrsObj  ) 

Allows to display only a definite presentation (presentable object) in the view. All other presentations are removed from the view.

thePrsObj The presentation (presentable object) which should be displayed.

void VISU.View.Update  ) 

Updates the view.

boolean VISU.View.SavePicture in string  theFileName  ) 

Saves the view.

theFileName The name of the file where the view will be saved.
True, if the view have been saved successfully.

IdType VISU.Base.GetID  )  [inherited]

Returns ID of the object.

VISUType VISU.Base.GetType  )  [inherited]

Returns the type of the presentable object