VISU.CutPlanes Interface Reference

Cut planes interface. More...

import "VISU_Gen.idl";

Inheritance diagram for VISU.CutPlanes:

Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum  Orientation { XY, YZ, ZX }

Public Member Functions

void SetOrientation (in Orientation theOrientation, in double theXAngle, in double theYAngle)
Orientation GetOrientationType ()
double GetRotateX ()
double GetRotateY ()
void SetDisplacement (in double theDisp)
double GetDisplacement ()
void SetPlanePosition (in long thePlaneNumber, in double thePlanePosition)
void SetDefault (in long thePlaneNumber)
double GetPlanePosition (in long thePlaneNumber)
boolean IsDefault (in long thePlaneNumber)
void SetNbPlanes (in long theNb)
long GetNbPlanes ()
void SetScaling (in Scaling theScaling)
Scaling GetScaling ()
void SetRange (in double theMin, in double theMax)
void SetBarOrientation (in Orientation theOrientation)
Orientation GetBarOrientation ()
void SetScalarMode (in long theScalarMode)
long GetScalarMode ()
double GetMin ()
double GetMax ()
void SetPosition (in double X, in double Y)
 Position of the scalar bar.
double GetPosX ()
double GetPosY ()
void SetSize (in double theWidth, in double theHeight)
 Size of this presentable object.
double GetWidth ()
double GetHeight ()
void SetNbColors (in long theNbColors)
long GetNbColors ()
void SetLabels (in long theNbLabels)
long GetLabels ()
void SetTitle (in string theName)
string GetTitle ()
void SetOffset (in float theDx, in float theDy, in float theDz)
void GetOffset (out float theDx, out float theDy, out float theDz)
void RemoveFromStudy ()
IdType GetID ()
VISUType GetType ()

Detailed Description

Presentation parameters of Cut planes presentation. This type of presentation consists of cutting your initial mesh by a definite number of planes. As the result you will see these planes which will be cutted by the borders of the mesh.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum VISU::CutPlanes::Orientation

This enumeration contains a set of elements defining the type of orientation in 3D space of the cut planes.

XY  The object is located in the plane formed by X and Y axis.
YZ  The object is located in the plane formed by Y and Z axis.

Implements VISU.ScalarMap.

Member Function Documentation

void VISU.CutPlanes.SetOrientation in Orientation  theOrientation,
in double  theXAngle,
in double  theYAngle

Sets the type of orientation in 3D space of cut planes presentation.

theOrientation This parameter defines the type of orientation of cut planes in 3D space. It is taken from the Orientation enumeration.
theXAngle The angle of rotation of the cut planes around the first axis of the chosen orientation.
theXAngle The angle of rotation of the cut planes around the second axis of the chosen orientation.

Orientation VISU.CutPlanes.GetOrientationType  ) 

Gets the type of orientation in 3D space of cut planes presentation.

double VISU.CutPlanes.GetRotateX  ) 

Gets rotation angle of the cut plane presentation around the first axis of the chosen orientation.

double VISU.CutPlanes.GetRotateY  ) 

Gets rotation angle of the cut plane presentation around the second axis of the chosen orientation.

void VISU.CutPlanes.SetDisplacement in double  theDisp  ) 

Sets the displacement of the cut planes in 3D space.

theDisp This parameter defines position of the cut planes in 3D space. It varies from 0 to 1. If the chosen value is 0.5, the cut planes will be evenly located regarding each other; in other words, the distance between all of them will be equal. If the value is higher or lower than 0.5, the planes will be displaced to one or another side.

double VISU.CutPlanes.GetDisplacement  ) 

Gets the displacement of the cut planes in 3D space.

void VISU.CutPlanes.SetPlanePosition in long  thePlaneNumber,
in double  thePlanePosition

Sets the position of a definite cut plane.

thePlaneNumber The number of this cut plane.
thePlanePosition The position of this cut plane.

void VISU.CutPlanes.SetDefault in long  thePlaneNumber  ) 

Sets the position of the choosen plane to default value.

thePlaneNumber The number of this cut plane.

double VISU.CutPlanes.GetPlanePosition in long  thePlaneNumber  ) 

Gets the position of the choosen plane

boolean VISU.CutPlanes.IsDefault in long  thePlaneNumber  ) 

Determines whether the choosen plane has default position.

thePlaneNumber The number of this cut plane.

void VISU.CutPlanes.SetNbPlanes in long  theNb  ) 

Sets the number of cut planes.

theNb The number of cut planes.

long VISU.CutPlanes.GetNbPlanes  ) 

Gets the number of cut planes.

void VISU.ScalarMap.SetScaling in Scaling  theScaling  )  [inherited]

Sets the type of scaling of the values reflected by the scalar bar.

theScaling The value of this parameter is taken from the Scaling enumeration.

Scaling VISU.ScalarMap.GetScaling  )  [inherited]

Gets the type of scaling of the values reflected by this presentation.

void VISU.ScalarMap.SetRange in double  theMin,
in double  theMax

Sets scalar range - min and max boundaries of the scalar bar.

theMin Min boundary of the scalar bar.
theMax Max boundary of the scalar bar.

void VISU.ScalarMap.SetBarOrientation in Orientation  theOrientation  )  [inherited]

Sets the type of orientation of the scalar bar (to provide backward compatibility).

theOrientation This parameter defines the orientation of the scalar bar. It is taken from the Orientaton enumeration.

Orientation VISU.ScalarMap.GetBarOrientation  )  [inherited]

Gets the type of orientation of the scalar bar (to provide backward compatibility).

void VISU.ColoredPrs3d.SetScalarMode in long  theScalarMode  )  [inherited]

Sets the method of coloring of the elements composing a 3D presentation.

long VISU.ColoredPrs3d.GetScalarMode  )  [inherited]

Gets the method of coloring of the elements composing a 3D presentation.

double VISU.ColoredPrs3d.GetMin  )  [inherited]

Gets the min boundary of the scalar bar.

double VISU.ColoredPrs3d.GetMax  )  [inherited]

Gets the max boundary of the scalar bar.

void VISU.ColoredPrs3d.SetPosition in double  X,
in double  Y

Sets the position of the scalar bar origin on the screen.

X Horizontal position. The value can be between 0 and 1.
Y Vertical position. The value can be between 0 and 1.

double VISU.ColoredPrs3d.GetPosX  )  [inherited]

Gets horizontal position of the scalar bar origin.

double VISU.ColoredPrs3d.GetPosY  )  [inherited]

Gets vertical position of the scalar bar origin.

void VISU.ColoredPrs3d.SetSize in double  theWidth,
in double  theHeight

Sets the size of the scalar bar.

theWidth Width of this presentable object. The value can be between 0 and 1.
theHeight Height of this presentable object. The value can be between 0 and 1.

double VISU.ColoredPrs3d.GetWidth  )  [inherited]

Gets the width of this presentable object.

A double value corresponding to the width of this presentable object.

double VISU.ColoredPrs3d.GetHeight  )  [inherited]

Gets the height of this presentable object.

A double value corresponding to the height of this presentable object.

void VISU.ColoredPrs3d.SetNbColors in long  theNbColors  )  [inherited]

Sets the number of colors which will be used for presentation of this presentable object.

theNbColors A long value defining the number of colors.

long VISU.ColoredPrs3d.GetNbColors  )  [inherited]

Gets the number of colors which will be used for visualization of this presentable object.

A long value corresponding to the number of colors which will be used for visualization of this presentable object.

void VISU.ColoredPrs3d.SetLabels in long  theNbLabels  )  [inherited]

Sets the number of labels which will be used for indication of color gradation of the scalar bar.

theNbLabels A long value defining the number of labels.

long VISU.ColoredPrs3d.GetLabels  )  [inherited]

Gets the number of labels which will be used for indication of color gradation of the scalar bar.

A long value corresponding to the number of labels which will be used for indication of color gradation of the scalar bar.

void VISU.ColoredPrs3d.SetTitle in string  theName  )  [inherited]

Sets the title of the scalar bar. By default - the name of the selected result is used.

theName String parameter defining the name of the scalar bar.

string VISU.ColoredPrs3d.GetTitle  )  [inherited]

Gets the title of the scalar bar.

void VISU.Prs3d.SetOffset in float  theDx,
in float  theDy,
in float  theDz

void VISU.Prs3d.GetOffset out float  theDx,
out float  theDy,
out float  theDz

void VISU.RemovableObject.RemoveFromStudy  )  [inherited]

Remove object from study.

IdType VISU.Base.GetID  )  [inherited]

Returns ID of the object.

VISUType VISU.Base.GetType  )  [inherited]

Returns the type of the presentable object