
Segmentation is a functionality similar to Clipping in Mesh and Geom modules.

Segmentation can be activated by clicking (Plane Segmentation) or (Sphere Segmentation) button in the Gauss Viewer toolbar.

Once the command is activated, a new window, below the main 3D view is created to display the content of the segmentation cursor. A dialog box is also displayed to manually configure the segmentation cursor parameters.

The Main view (top) shows the results at Gauss points with scalar bars. A semi-transparent Segmentation Cursor defines the part of the variables to be inspected.  Two different presentations for Gauss points are used, depending on location of the points: Inside or Outside the segmentation cursor.

The Secondary view (bottom) is also called Segmentation Viewer. It shows, in real time, the results at Gauss points only (no mesh elements) that are located inside the segmentation cursor. Gauss points are displayed in the same way as Inside points in the first view. This view is automatically updated when the cursor is changed in the first view.

Gauss Points tab of the Segmentation menu allows to define visualization parameters for Inside and Outside cursor Gauss Points.  See Primitives and Presentations to learn about parameters definable in this tab.



Plane segmentation  is characteristic for its Segmentation Cursor in the form of a box with an axis to define its orientation and two planes defining its upper and lower boundaries.

It can be defined in Segmentation Cursor tab, which allows to define coordinates of origin, direction and depth of the segmentation plane.



Actually it is also possible to edit these parameters directly with the mouse in the main 3D view :

• Translation (dragging) of the lower plane along the V axis changes the Origin of the cursor

• Rotating the V axis around its origin defines a new Direction for the cursor

• Dragging the upper plane along its axis changes the Depth of the cursor. It is not possible to move the lower above the upper plane (minimum depth is 0).



Sphere segmentation  is characteristic for its Segmentation Cursor in the form of a sphere with an axis to define its orientation.

It can be defined in Segmentation Cursor tab, which allows to define coordinates of origin, and radius of the segmentation plane.



The Origin can also be changed in the 3D Viewer by dragging the Sphere with the mouse .


When the user exits the Segmentation menu, the function is ended and the second view (segmentation cursor viewer) is erased.