Scalar Map presentation

Scalar Map is the basic type of visualization of calculation data in VISU module. This presentation consists of the following:


- creating of a 3D presentation on the basis of a field;

- coloring of the cells of this presentation, according the scalar or vector values applied to this cells;

-  creating of a scalar bar: a scale, representing the correspondence  between the scalar values of the field and the used colors.


All other types of field presentation are based on the Scalar Map.


To create a Scalar Map presentation:


- Right-click on one of the time stamps of the field in the Object browser and from the pop-up menu choose Scalar Map, or


- Click on one of the time stamps of the field in the Object browser and select from the main menu Visualization > Scalar Map, or click icon in the Visualization Toolbar


The following dialog box will appear:



This dialog box is equal for all types of field presentations and it will be present as an additional tab in all dialog boxes allowing to create the other types of presentations. It allows to set the parameters of Scalar range, as well as the parameters of the Scalar Bar. You can also set these parameters as preferences which will be used in all SALOME sessions: in the main menu select Preferences > Visu > Scalar Bar.    


Scalar range parameters:


- Scalar Mode field: This field allows to choose the mode of transformation of vector values into scalar values for creation of the presentation. It can be module of the vector or one of three components of the vector. (Note: This choose box is relevant only for fields containing vector values, in other cases it will be inactive).  


- Logarithmic scaling check box: You can apply logarithmic scaling to the color scale of the presentation.


- Scalar range check boxes: These check boxes allow you  to select the range of scalar values of the field, on the basis of which this presentation will be constructed.   



Scalar Bar parameters:  


- Nb. of colors field: In this field you can enter the number of colors, which will be used for coloring of cells containing scalar values.


- Nb. of labels field: In this field you can enter the number of labels, indicating graduation of the scalar bar.


- Orientation: You can select Vertical or Horizontal orientation of the scalar bar.  


- Origin: Here you can enter coordinates of the origin of the scalar bar.


- Dimensions: Dimensions of the scalar bar.


Save as default values check box allows to save this parameters for all presentations, which will be constructed later.


Text properties button allows you to define from the following dialog box:



- Title of the field, on the basis of which this presentation is created,

- Font properties of the this title, displayed in the Object Browser,

- Font properties of the labels, displayed new the scalar bar, created with this presentation.  


After you have finished with setting these parameters, click OK. Your presentation with scalar bar will be immediately displayed in the viewer:





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