Importing/exporting tables

To import a table from file:


1.  From the main menu choose File > Import TABLE, or in the Object Browser right-click on the Visu object and select Import TABLE item.


2.  From the following standard dialog box:




choose the necessary *.xls, *.txt or *.tab file containing tables and click Open button.  


3.  In the Object Browser VISU will create a new folder having the name of the imported file. All tables from this file will be located in this folder:




From this picture you can see that one *.xls file can contain several tables.


In VISU you can export into XML files one of the tables contained in the XML file, which has been previously imported into study.


To export a table:


1. Click on it in the Object Browser and select Export Table.


2. In the standard dialog box enter the name of the file, which will contain your exported table, and click OK button. Your table will be exported.