Cut Lines presentation

Cut Lines is a type of presentation which displays colored cells with applied scalar values on the mesh where lines are placed.

The procedure of construction of Cut Lines presentation reuses the algorithm of creation Cut Planes presentation and consists of two steps:

  1.  From Cut Planes presentation one plane is taken and it is used as base plane for construction of cut lines.

  2. This plane is cut by a regular array of planes. The result of this operation is a regular array of lines in space,  belonging to the same plane and having the same orientation. They are located inside or on the mesh.


To create a Cut Lines presentation:


- Right-click on one of the time stamps of the field in the Object browser and from the pop-up menu choose Cut Lines, or


- Click on one of the time stamps of the field in the Object browser and select from the main menu Visualization > Cut Lines, or click icon in the Visualization Toolbar.




See more about table presentations and curve lines here.







After you have finished with setting these parameters, click OK. Your presentation with scalar bar will be immediately displayed in the viewer:




From Cut Lines presentation you can create a data table. This table will consist of the field scalar values located on each cut line of the constructed presentation (see also: Creating tables from Cut Lines presentations). After that your data table can be used for construction of a 2d plot of curves based on the scalar values from the table (see also: Creating curves and Creating XY plots).   



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