Creating XY plots

To create a XY plot based on one definite curve:


1.  Select Plot2d viewer: from the main menu choose Window > New Window > Plot2d View


2. In the Object Browser right-click on this curve line and from the pop-up menu select Display item.


To create a XY plot based on several curves:


1.  Select Plot2d viewer: from the main menu choose Window > New Window > Plot2d View


2. In the Object Browser right-click on the Post-Pro object and from the pop-up menu select Create Plot2D View.


3. Right-click on the name of this container in the Object Browser and select Edit item. The following dialog box will appear:




 This box contains two windows:


- Left window displays a list of curve lines, which have been created in the study.


- Right window displays a list of curve lines contained in this particular container. These curves will used for creation of the XY plot.


To move a definite curve line from the study into the container, select it in the left window of this dialog box and click button.  


To move a definite curve line from the container back into the study, select it in the right window of this dialog box and click button.


After having chosen the curve lines, which will compose your XY plot, click OK button to quit this dialog box. In the Object Browser the references to the selected curve lines will be created under your container:


4. Right-click on the name of the container in the Object Browser and select Display button. A XY plot consisting of the previously selected curve lines, will be displayed in the viewer: