Viewing 3D presentations.

Each  newly created presentation is displayed in the VTK 3D Viewer. VTK 3D Viewer is detailly described in the documentation on GUI module.

To display an existing presentation, right-click on it in the Object Browser and select Display.  


Right mouse-click on the Presentation gives access to the following options:



All parameters are context-sensitive: NOT all types of visualization and NOT all properties can be set for a certain 3D presentation.                            






Insideframe (displays the wires lying within the object)


Shading on





When you create several presentations of the same object, you may wish to see them simultaneously,  which might be impossible, because they all are located at the same place. To solve this problem, right-click in the viewer and select Arrange Actors in the pop-up menu.    



In Auto mode you specify along which Axis and at which Relative Distance the presentations should be lined up.



In Manual mode you set the coordinates for each presentation separately.



Displaying several presentations at the same time may cause superposition of their scalar bars. To avoid this, check Arrange Scalar Bars radio button  in the Preferences - > Post-Pro - > Scalar Bar. A separate scalar bar will be displayed for each presentation.

Alternatively you may wish to merge the scalar bars to have a common scalar bar for all presentations. To do this, select several presentations or fields in the object browser, right-click and from the pop-up menu select  Merge Scalar Range.

To restore separate bars and scales for each module select Use Field Range from the same menu.