About the structure of MED objects

 In Post-Pro module 3d representations are constructed on the base of  submeshes representing parts of a mesh, which is stored in form of MED objects in *.med files. Each MED object has its own user-defined structure.


In general, the mesh represents an object including the following types of data:


 - Geometrical information: list of nodes and cells of the mesh;

 - Information on the interpolation in accordance with resulting elements: the mesh should be compatible with chosen interpolation;

 - Physical information: initial and boundary conditions. (Scalar or vector values applied to the cells of the mesh)


The structure of MED object has a tree-like form. It contains three main folders: Families, Groups, Fields.




From general point of view, the whole mesh is divided into families, submeshes created by the user. Every family is composed of cells of a definite type  - it can be Nodes, Edges, Faces or Cells. The presentation created on the basis of a particular family will be composed of geometrical elements, corresponding to the type of cells of this family.  


Type of cells (entities) of the family

Geometrical element






Triangles, quadrangles



Table of correspondence


 In the folder Families all families of the mesh are put into the following subfolders, defining the type of cells of the mesh: onNodes, onEdges, onFaces, onCells.

These subfolders also represent submeshes of the mesh, which are composed of all cells of the mesh of this type.


Groups combine different families independently of the type of cells, they are composed of.



Fields represent the results of calculations (it can be scalar or vector values), grouped together under one physical concept.

These values are applied to the cells of a definite submesh, which is indicated in the Object Browser in the subfolder of the field.

Most often the calculations are performed during some period of time. That's why fields include Time Stamps, representing the results of calculations in one definite moment. In Post-Pro field presentation are constructed on the base of these Time Stamps. (See: Creating field presentations)  



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