Changing view mode

In SUPERVISION there are several modes of representation of the whole graph, as well as of each node of this graph.


To change view mode of a definite node:


Right-click on the Title part of this node and from the associated pop-up menu choose Show >


- Comments check box - shows/hides description part of the node.


- Ports check box -shows/hides all ports of the node.


To change view mode of the whole graph:


Right-click on the background of the SUPERVISION viewer window containing your graph and from the pop-up menu choose  View >


- Full mode (normal mode of graph representation):



- Control mode (the nodes of the graph are displayed without descriptions and ports):



Having applied this mode of graph representation, you can change the view mode of each particular node using the above-mentioned method.


- Table mode (the nodes of the graph are displayed without ports and they are ranged into a table according the threads of dataflow):





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