About nodes

In general, in SUPERVISOR component Node  is a graphical representation of a computation algorithm. The Data flow graph consists of several nodes of control and computation types. These nodes have input and output data ports for data transferring and control ports. All data ports of a node correspond to input or output parameters of the service executed on this node. Connecting of these ports by links means transferring of the data from output port to input port of a next node. So, only output and input ports of different nodes can be connected by one link. All input ports which have not connection to output ports are input of the Graph. Initial values of such ports can be defined as constant value or taken from the current study. All output ports which have no connection to input ports are output of the Graph. Values from these ports can be stored in the study.


In SUPERVISOR module there are the following types of nodes: computation node, loop node, switch node, GOTO node and macro node.






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