smesh.Mesh Class Reference

Class to define a mesh. More...

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def GetMesh
 Method that returns the mesh.
def GetShape
 Method that returns the shape associated to the mesh.
def MeshDimension
 Returns mesh dimension depending on shape one.
def Segment
 Creates a segment discretization 1D algorithm.
def Triangle
 Creates a triangle 2D algorithm for faces.
def Quadrangle
 Creates a quadrangle 2D algorithm for faces.
def Tetrahedron
 Creates a tetrahedron 3D algorithm for solids.
def Hexahedron
 Creates a hexahedron 3D algorithm for solids.
def Netgen
 Creates a NETGEN-based 2D or 3D independent algorithm (i.e.
def Compute
 Compute the mesh and return the status of the computation.
def AutomaticTetrahedralization
 Compute tetrahedral mesh using AutomaticLength + MEFISTO + NETGEN The parameter fineness [0.
def AutomaticHexahedralization
 Compute hexahedral mesh using AutomaticLength + Quadrangle + Hexahedron The parameter fineness [0.
def RemoveGlobalHypotheses
 Removes all global hypotheses.
def Group
 Create a mesh group based on geometric object grp and give a name, if this parameter is not defined the name is the same as the geometric group name.
def ExportToMED
 Export the mesh in a file with the MED format and choice the version of MED format.
def ExportMED
 Export the mesh in a file with the MED format.
def ExportDAT
 Export the mesh in a file with the DAT format.
def ExportUNV
 Export the mesh in a file with the UNV format.
def ExportSTL
 Export the mesh in a file with the STL format.

Data Fields


Static Public Attributes

int geom = 0
int mesh = 0

Detailed Description

More details.

Member Function Documentation

def smesh.Mesh.__init__   self,
  name = 0

Creates mesh on the shape geom, sets GUI name of this mesh to name.

geom Shape to be meshed
name Study name of the mesh

def smesh.Mesh.GetMesh   self  ) 

def smesh.Mesh.GetShape   self  ) 

def smesh.Mesh.MeshDimension   self  ) 

def smesh.Mesh.Segment   self,
  algo = REGULAR,
  geom = 0

If the optional algo parameter is not sets, this algorithm is REGULAR. If the optional geom parameter is not sets, this algorithm is global. Otherwise, this algorithm define a submesh based on geom subshape.

algo values are smesh.REGULAR or smesh.PYTHON for discretization via python function
geom If defined, subshape to be meshed

def smesh.Mesh.Triangle   self,
  geom = 0

If the optional geom parameter is not sets, this algorithm is global. Otherwise, this algorithm define a submesh based on geom subshape.

geom If defined, subshape to be meshed

def smesh.Mesh.Quadrangle   self,
  geom = 0

If the optional geom parameter is not sets, this algorithm is global. Otherwise, this algorithm define a submesh based on geom subshape.

geom If defined, subshape to be meshed

def smesh.Mesh.Tetrahedron   self,
  geom = 0

The parameter algo permits to choice the algorithm: NETGEN or GHS3D If the optional geom parameter is not sets, this algorithm is global. Otherwise, this algorithm define a submesh based on geom subshape.

algo values are: smesh.NETGEN, smesh.GHS3D
geom If defined, subshape to be meshed

def smesh.Mesh.Hexahedron   self,
  geom = 0

If the optional geom parameter is not sets, this algorithm is global. Otherwise, this algorithm define a submesh based on geom subshape.

geom If defined, subshape to be meshed

def smesh.Mesh.Netgen   self,
  geom = 0

needs no discrete boundary). If the optional geom parameter is not sets, this algorithm is global. Otherwise, this algorithm defines a submesh based on geom subshape.

is3D If 0 then algorithm is 2D, otherwise 3D
geom If defined, subshape to be meshed

def smesh.Mesh.Compute   self  ) 

def smesh.Mesh.AutomaticTetrahedralization   self,
  fineness = 0

-1.] defines mesh fineness

def smesh.Mesh.AutomaticHexahedralization   self,
  fineness = 0

-1.] defines mesh fineness

def smesh.Mesh.RemoveGlobalHypotheses   self  ) 

def smesh.Mesh.Group   self,
  name = ""

grp is a geometric group, a vertex, an edge, a face or a solid
name is the name of the mesh group

def smesh.Mesh.ExportToMED   self,
  opt = 0

f is the file name
version values are SMESH.MED_V2_1, SMESH.MED_V2_2

def smesh.Mesh.ExportMED   self,
  opt = 0

f is the file name

def smesh.Mesh.ExportDAT   self,

f is the file name

def smesh.Mesh.ExportUNV   self,

f is the file name

def smesh.Mesh.ExportSTL   self,
  ascii = 1

f is the file name
ascii defined the kind of file contents

Field Documentation

int smesh.Mesh.geom = 0 [static]

int smesh.Mesh.mesh = 0 [static]

