Creating groups

  In MESH you can create groups of elements of different types. To create a group of elements in the Mesh menu select Create Group.

To create any group you should define the following:   

SALOME Platform distinguishes between the two Group types: Standalone Group and Group on Geometry.  

Standalone Group

The box for creation of a Standalone Group appears by default. Standalone Group consists of mesh elements, which you can define in two possible ways.

To remove a selected element or elements from the list click the Remove button. The Sort List button allows to sort the list of IDs of mesh elements.

Select from set of fields allows to choose a submesh or an existing group whose elements of the previously defined type will be added to the list of elements which will form your group. Color Number (integer only) allows to define the color to be used for the display of the elements of the group.








In this picture the brown cells belong to a group defined manually.


  In this picture the brown cells belong to the group defined by the criterion
Taper > 0.




   See Also a sample TUI Script of a Create a Standalone Group operation.  

Group on Geometry

To create a group on geometry check Group on geometry in the Group type field. Group on geometry contains the elements of a certain type belonging to the selected geometrical object. To define a group select in the Objet Browser or in the 3D viewer a geometrical object from which the elements will be taken. After confirmation of the operation MESH will create a new group of mesh elements.


In this picture the cells which belong to a certain face are selected in green.


   See Also a sample TUI Script of a Create a Group on Geometry operation.