Extrusion along a path

In principle, Extrusion along a path works in the same way as Extrusion, the main difference is that we define not a vector, but a path of extrusion which must be a meshed edge or wire. To get an idea of how this algorithm works, let's see the left image, where we have a 1D circle edge and  a 2D hexagon to be extruded along this path (in the picture they are angular because we show the wireframe of the mesh). And now let's see the right image, showing the result of the operation.  




To use Extrusion along a path:


1. From the Modification menu choose the Extrusion along a path item or click button in the toolbar. The following dialog box shall appear:




2. In this dialog box you should  


3. There are two optional parameters, which, nevertheless, can be very useful.

4. Click the Apply or OK button.