Using UseCase Browser

In comparison with the Object Browser, the UseCase Browser is destined for displaying  a user-defined structure of the current study. All objects created during SALOME session are displayed the Object Browser and copied to the UseCase Browser. But in the UseCase Browser they are displayed without any structure. In the UseCase Browser you can create your own structure of the study.


To view the UseCase Browser:


Click on the tab UseCase Browser at the bottom of the study window:



On this picture you can see that all objects are displayed on one level and under one folder Use cases.


   Creates a new object under the current object with a default name New object. The same operation is possible if you right-click on the object, which you would like to be current for a new object, and from the pop-up menu select Use case > New object.

These objects can be renamed: right-click on it and from the pop-up menu select Use case > Rename.


   Adds a selected object to the current object. This operation is also possible if you drag and drop any object to another object. In this case the second object will be automatically set as current.


  Removes the selected object with all child objects.


  Clears all objects from the UseCase Browser.


  Set the selected object current (root) for other objects. You can add one or several objects to the current object.


On the following picture you can see a custom tree-like structure of objects created in the UseCase Browser:



The UseCase Browser  is also destined for getting quick access to different objects in the user-defined structure of the study. All pop-up menu associated with the objects displayed in the UseCase Browser are context-sensitive. So it depends on a definite currently loaded SALOME component what options you will see in the pop-up menu (besides the options allowing to modify the structure), if you right-click on definite object in the UseCase Browser.




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