Using Object Browser

The Object Browser in SALOME is destined for displaying the structure of the current study in a tree-like form. It contains:



The Object Browser is destined for getting quick access to different objects created during SALOME session. All pop-up menu associated with the objects displayed in the Object Browser are context-sensitive. So it depends on a definite currently loaded SALOME component what options you will see in the pop-up menu, if you right-click on definite object in the Object Browser.


The Object Browser may contain supplementary attributes of the objects displayed in additional columns. By default, these columns are not displayed - displaying/hiding these columns is possible through setting study preferences.



The attributes Entry, IOR, Reference entry  are only for debugging purposes in the framework of SALOME application.





In the Object Browser you can apply to the objects an ascending or descending sorting according to one definite attribute.


To sort the objects by one of the attributes:


Click on the column of this attribute. An arrow down shows that the sorting is descending, an arrow up - ascending.





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