Setting preferences

In SALOME you can set the preferences, which will be valid for the whole study session.


In the main menu select Preferences, the following submenu will appear:






- Displays/hides Entry, IOR columns

- Displays/hides Value column

- Displays/hides Interface Applicative (folder containing all study windows created within the current study session),

- Chronological sort of objects displayed in the Object Browser.

- Show UseCase Browser - displays/hides UseCase Browser

- No autosize columns -  This item allows to disable/enable auto resizing of columns of the Object Browser     


The preferences, set during the current study session, are automatically saved at the end of the session. So, next time you launch SALOME application, these preferences will be restored.


Depending on the currently loaded component, the Preferences menu may contain a submenu with the name of this component allowing to set its own preferences.





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