Saving and closing studies

In SALOME a study can be saved in HDF (by default) or ASCII files (see also: Setting ASCII save option).


You can also specify  two options of saving your study:



To save an existing study :


In the main toolbar click or from the main menu select File > Save option. Your study will be automatically updated.


If your study hasn't been previously saved, this option will call the standard Search File dialog box where you can enter the name for your study and save it.


To save a study with a new name:


From the main menu select File > Save as option. In the standard Search File dialog box enter a new name for your study and click Save button.


To close a study:


From the main menu select File > Close option or click on the cross in the upper right corner of the study window.


If your study hasn't been previously saved, this option will call the following dialog box with several options:



Unload option allows to unload your current study from the SALOME Desktop. In the same working session you can  reload it again (see: Opening studies). But if you quit the SALOME application, all changes in the unloaded study will be LOST.


To close a definite study window:


Click on the small cross button in the right upper corner of the study window. If it is the last study window this operation will result in closing of the whole study.




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