Running SALOME

To launch SALOME:


1. Install the SALOME package into a definite directory (ex. SALOME) on your hard disk. It is preferable if you use the special installation procedure allowing to install the  SALOME platform and all corresponding applications.


2. The installation shell script will create a special file: env.csh (CShell file) in your SALOME directory. This file contains all environment variables necessary for launching SALOME platform with other application products provided with SALOME installation package. You have a possibility to add one of them into your profile if you enter in the command console the following:


source env.csh


During the installation procedure you have a possibility to set your profile automatically.  



3. Launch SALOME platform, using the following Python script located in the SALOME/KERNEL/bin/salome directory:





--help or -h   

print this help


--gui or -g   

launch with GUI

 --terminal or -t      

launch without GUI in batch mode

--logger or -l   

redirection of log messages into a definite file

--xterm or -x

the servers open an xterm window and log messages are displayed in this window

--modules=module1,module2,... or -m=module1,module2,...

list of SALOME modules which will be loaded into the module catalogue


or -c=cpp,python,superv

launch of cpp, python and supervision containers

--portkill or -p

kill SALOME launched with the current port

--killall or -k    



If the script is launched without prompting any options, they will be taken by default from the xml file salome.launch, which has been automatically created in your home directory: HOME/.salome/.    



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