About SALOME architecture

SALOME architecture is based on CORBA technology using distributed system model of applications. This architecture takes the concept of multitier client/server to its natural conclusion. The distributed system model exposes all functionality of the application as objects, each of which can use any of the services provided by other objects in the system, or even objects in other systems. The architecture can also blur the distinction between "client" and "server" because the client components can also create objects that behave in server-like roles. This architecture provides the ultimate in flexibility.

The distributed system architecture achieves its flexibility by encouraging (or enforcing) the definition of specific component interfaces. The interface of a component specifies to other components what services are offered by that component and how they are used. As long as the interface of a component remains constant, that component's implementation can change dramatically without affecting other components.

All integrated into SALOME platform software components (VISU, Geom, SMESH...)  implement predefined interfaces. Each component provides data for the SALOME study in a form of links (stored in the Study) to the specific data created and stored in the component. All components represent CORBA servers and it allows to run them on different host stations.

Another fundamental piece of the SALOME architecture is the use of the Interface Definition Language (IDL). IDL, which specifies interfaces between CORBA components, is instrumental in ensuring CORBA's language independence. Because interfaces described in IDL can be mapped to any programming language, CORBA applications and components are thus independent of the language(s) used to implement them.

Additional information about CORBA technology is available at www.omg.org  


 In SALOME there is a possibility to run definite components in the so-called batch mode without GUI provided by IAPP component. In this case you can work with these components with the help of Python commands and scripts.  


The architecture of this all-inclusive platform for numerical components  responds to the following objectives:








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