
To produce a Partition in the Main Menu select Operations - > Partition


This operation builds a shape by intersection of two shapes or a shape and a plane.

The Result will be any GEOM_Object.


Intersection of two shapes.


TUI Command: geompy.MakePartition(ListOfShapes, ListOfTools, ListOfKeepInside, ListOfRemoveInside, Limit, RemoveWebs, ListOfMaterials), where ListOfShapes is a list of shapes to be intersected, ListOfTools is a list of shapes to intersect the shapes from ListOfShapes, ListOfKeepInside is a list of shapes outside which the results will be deleted, ListOfRemoveInside is a list of shapes inside which the results will be deleted, Limit is a type of the result shapes, if RemoveWebs is True the Glue 3D algorithm will be performed on the results, ListOfMaterials is a list of materials indices for each shape, it makes sense only if RemoveWebs is True.

Arguments: Name + 2 shapes (first shape will be intersected by the second shape) + reconstruction limit.





Intersection of a Shape and a Plane.

TUI Command  geompy.MakeHalfPartition(Shape, Plane), where Shape is a Shape to be intersected and Plane is a Tool shape, to intersect the Shape.

Arguments: Name + 1 shape which will be intersected + 1 cutting face.








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