Repairing geometrical objects

Repairing operations are used for adjustment and modification of created geometrical shapes. The are:



To apply repairing operations:


In the main menu select Repair submenu.





Description: Sew several  shapes.


Result: GEOM_Shape.


TUI Command : geompy.MakeSewing(ListOfIOR, Double)


Arguments: 1 or more shapes + 1 value (sew precision).


Dialog Box:










Description: Changes the orientation of the faces of a shape.


Result: GEOM_Shape.


TUI Command: geompy.OrientationChange(GEOM_Shape)


Arguments: 1 shape (face, shell, solid or compsolid) + 1 value (vector length).


Dialog Box:




Suppress faces


Description: Suppresses a face of a shape.


Result: GEOM_Shape (ListOfGeomShapes).


TUI Command: geompy.SuppressFaces(GEOM_Shape, ListOfID)


Arguments: 1 shape + 1 selection of a face (Local Context).


Dialog Box:







Suppress hole


Description :


Result: GEOM_Shape.


TUI Command:

geompy.SuppressHole(GEOM_Shape, ListOfSubShapeID, ListOfSubShapeID, ListOfSubShapeID)

geompy.SuppressHolesInFaceOrShell(GEOM_Shape, ListOfSubShapeID)




Dialog Box:



