
To create a Cone in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Primitives - > Cone


There are two algorithms for creation of a Cone.

The Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (SOLID).


Firstly, you can define a Cone by the Base Point (the central point of the cone base), the Axis, the Height and the first and the second Radiuses.

TUI Command: geompy.MakeCone(Point, Axis, Radius1, Radius2)

Arguments: Name + 1 vertex + 1 vector (for direction) + 3 values (Radius of the base part, radius of the upper part, height).


Secondly, you can define a Cone with the center at the origin of coordinates by its Height and Radiuses. The Axis of the Cone will be collinear to the OZ axis of the coordinate system.

TUI Command: geompy.MakeConeR1R2H(Radius1, Radius2, Height)

Arguments: Name + 3 values (Radius of the base part, radius of the upper part, height).



Note: If both radiuses are non-zero, the Cone will be truncated. If the radiuses are equal, a Cylinder will be created instead.





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