
To produce a Fillet in the Main Menu select Operations - > Transformation - > Fillet


This operation allows you to make chamfer of the edges of a Shape.

The Result will be a GEOM_Object.


To create chamfer on all edges of the given shape, you need to define the Main Object to create a chamfer on and the Dimension (radius) of the chamfer.  

TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferAll(Shape, D)

Arguments: Name + 1 SHAPE + 1 value (Chamfer dimension).




To create chamfer on the specified edges of the given shape,  you need to define the Main Object to create a fillet on, select the necessary edges in the object browser or in the viewer and define the Dimension of the Chamfer.

TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferEdge(Shape, D1, D2, Face1, Face2), where Shape is a shape to create a chamfer on, D1 is a chamfer size along Face1, D2 is a chamfer size along Face2, Face1 and Face2 are indices of faces in Shape.




To create chamfer on the specified faces of the given shape,  you need to define the Main Object to create a fillet on, select the necessary faces in the object browser or in the viewer and define the Dimension of the Chamfer.

TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferFace(Shape, D1, D2, ListOfFaceID), where Shape is a shape to create chamfer on, D1 is a chamfer size along a face from  ListOfFaceID,  D2 is a chamfer size along two faces connected to the edge to which the chamfer is applied, ListOfFaceID is a list of indices of faces in Shape.




  Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation Operations.