Description of the picking functionality

In default mode, moving the mouse over the results at Gauss points presentation produces the display of a specific 3D cursor on each detected Gauss points. Then, user has the possibility to select the detected item to analyse it.


The specific cursor used for both modes, detection (pre-highlight) and selection (highlight), is defined by a six-pyramids 3D graphic primitive centred on the Gauss points. For more convenience, detection and selection mode have different colors (same as Salome VISU) and cursor is displayed in reverse-video.



Fig. 47 : Cursor for detection and selection of a result at Gauss point


Selection of a point

There are two to way to select the current detected point:

Mouse: A left-mouse button click on the detected point

Keyboard:  ‘S’ (or ‘s’) key of the keyboard when the 3D view is active



Only one point can be selected at a time. Thus, selection of another point automatically unselects the possibly selected one.


Modification of the camera after picking of a point

Two situations occur:


i) No point is yet selected (>> first selection)


ii) A point is already selected (>> Nth selection)



Display information

Once a point is selected, a semi-transparent window is displayed next to the selected point and shows the following information:




Fig. 48 : Sample of semi-transparent window


In addition, the active scalar bar is updated to highlight the corresponding value of the selected scalar value by a black line (not applicable for a Gauss point without result).


Display parent mesh element

Once a point is selected, it is possible to display/erase the parent mesh element in wireframe by using one of the following toggle options:


Mouse: Popup menu on the selected point: ‘Display Parent mesh element’ (a check mark on the left of the item informs if the parent is displayed or not)

Keyboard:P’ (or ‘p’) key of the keyboard when the 3D view is active (toggle option)