Description of commands

Results at Gauss Points


This mode corresponds to a new development that will be performed in the frame of this project.


Values are displayed at Gauss points as point sprites in the 3D view.



Texture for intensity (brightness)  

Texture for alpha channel (transparency)  




Fig. 8 : Point sprite display mode


Two different scalar bars are displayed simultaneously:






2 bars / active = global bar

2 bars / active = local bar

1 active bar = local bar



red > 0

blue < 0


Fig. 9 : Scalar bars for results at Gauss point


The necessity to display simultaneously 2 synchronized scalars bars requires defining a new dialog for the configuration.


Besides, a dedicated dialog is also defined to customize the point sprite behaviour. Thus, when user activates the command, he is prompted by a dialog with 2 tabs. They are defined as follows:


Fig. 10 : Results at Gauss points primitive configuration dialog



When user activates the Results at Gauss points function, the dialog of the ‘Primitive’ tab is moved to an auto-adaptable dialog which content depends on the selected primitive. Three different primitives are available and defined as follows:



Fig. 11 : Results at Gauss points – Point sprite primitive configuration dialog




Fig. 12 : Results at Gauss points – OpenGL primitive configuration dialog





Fig. 13 : OpenGL points presentations



Fig. 14 : Results at Gauss points – Geometrical sphere primitive configuration dialog





Fig. 15 : Sphere presentations (resp. with resolution 8 and 6)



In the case the number of faces (equal to the total number of points in the scene when no segmentation cursor is used or number of points within the cursor when a segmentation is in progress, multiplied by the number of faces of one Sphere in the current resolution) to display is greater than the number defined in the “Notify when number of faces exceeds:” parameter, then user is prompted by a dialog to continue or to cancel the display operation.



Fig. 16 : Notification message for existing and not modified VISU presentation



For both of these new modes – OpenGL points and Sphere – the computation of size and the definition of colors applied to points are done in the same way as for point sprite.




Fig. 17 : Open file dialog to load a texture




Both values are dynamically updated by the system according to the selected scalar bar (see Fig. 18: Scalar bar configuration). In the case of a bicolor scale, the minimum value is set to 0 in the dialog and the control is disabled.



During rendering the scene, it is possible to modify the magnification (multiply/divide by the magnification ratio) by using ‘M’, ‘m’ keys of the keyboard when the 3D view is active. The effect is immediately applied. The ratio is only defined through the dialog box.



The dynamic modification of the magnification is also possible using 2 buttons of the Spacemouse Plus (see Navigation using the spacemouse).


Fig. 18 : Scalar bar configuration


This last dialog allows user to define the characteristics of the scalar bars to display within the scene.




These colors also correspond to colors associated to min/max values of the palette option.






Finally, to exit the dialog and apply choices, press the OK button, else CANCEL button, to quit.




Gauss Points – Geometry (new presentation)


This mode corresponds to a new development that will be performed in the frame of this project. It is very similar to the presentation of Results as Gauss points (discussed in the previous paragraph), so only differences are presented here.


Roughly, the differences between this presentation and the one for results at Gauss points are:




Fig. 19 : Point sprite display mode (no results case)


Besides, a dedicated dialog is also defined to customize the point sprite behaviour. Thus, when user activates the command, he is prompted by a dialog box defined as follow:



Fig. 20 : Gauss points (Geometry) – Point sprite primitive configuration dialog



Fig. 21 : Gauss points (Geometry) – OpenGL primitive configuration dialog



Fig. 22 : Gauss points (Geometry) – Geometrical Sphere primitive configuration dialog



The first part of the dialog is the same as for Fig. 10 : Results at Gauss points primitive configuration dialog.




Fig. 23 : Standard color dialog



Display of a deformed shape


Once the option is activated, user is prompted by a dialog made of two tabs. First tab defined the following dialog to set-up the presentation at Gauss points and scale factor:



Fig. 24 : Deformed Shape dialog – Point sprite primitive





Fig. 25 : Deformed Shape dialog – OpenGL primitive



Fig. 26 : Deformed Shape dialog – Geometrical Sphere primitive


The second tab of the dialog allows the user to set-up scalar bars in the same way as for Display Results at Gauss points presentation.


When user validates the dialog by pressing the ‘OK’ button, the 3D view is updated to display the Gauss points, using the selected primitive form, at their new location.


In this display mode, the mesh is never displayed.