Command description

Box Segmentation

Once the command is activated, a new window, below the main 3D view and docked within the desktop is created to display the content of the segmentation cursor.


A dialog box (see Fig. 52 : Segmentation configuration dialog) is also displayed to manually configure the segmentation cursor parameters.


As an example of the expected results, the next picture shows the 2 views of the PERFECT viewer:



Fig. 51 : PERFECT viewer segmentation


Sphere Segmentation


As for plane segmentation, once the command is activated, a new window, below the main 3D view and docked within the desktop is created to display the content of the segmentation cursor.


A dialog box (see Fig. 54 : Sphere Segmentation configuration dialog) is also displayed to manually configure the segmentation cursor parameters.






Picking capabilities

The picking functionality, as defined in Picking, is available in both views. The picked point is also highlighted by the 3D cursor in both views simultaneously. The semi-transparent information window is displayed in the view used for the picking.


In the case a picked point (from the first view) is not visible in the second view – i.e.: the point is not contained within the segmentation cursor – only the picking cursor is displayed in the second view till the selection is cancelled.



Edition of the box segmentation cursor

A dialog with 2 tabs is opened when the function is activated. When user exits this dialog, the function is ended and the second view (segmentation cursor viewer) is erased.


The following dialog describes configuration of the segmentation cursor:



Fig. 52 : Segmentation configuration dialog


This dialog defines the coordinates of the origin of the segmentation cursor, in addition to its direction and depth.


Parameters are explained as follows:



Fig. 53 : Understanding segmentation cursor parameters


It is also possible to graphically edit these parameters directly from the first 3D view with the mouse:



The dialog is automatically updated.



Edition of the segmentation cursor


A dialog with 2 tabs is opened when the function is activated. When user exits this dialog, the function is ended and the second view (segmentation cursor viewer) is erased.


The following dialog describes configuration of the segmentation cursor:



Fig. 54 : Sphere Segmentation configuration dialog


This dialog defines the coordinates of the origin of the segmentation cursor, in addition to its radius.





Keyboard: During rendering the scene, it is possible to modify the radius (multiply/divide by the radius ratio) by using ‘D’, ‘d’ keys of the keyboard when the 3D view is active. The effect is immediately applied. The value of the ratio is only defined through the dialog box.


Parameters are explained as follows:



Fig. 55 : Understanding segmentation cursor parameters


It is also possible to graphically edit these parameters directly from the first 3D view with the mouse:



The dialog is automatically updated accordingly.



The second tab provides the user with the ability to change both presentations of Gauss points inside and outside the segmentation cursor within the same dialog. This is applicable for all segmentation cursors (plane & sphere).

Therefore, dialogs are made of two parts:




the next dialogs only described the content of primitive parameterisation inside the cursor, intended that all the three primitives are also applicable outside the cursor.


Primitive presentation definition for Gauss points and in the case of a segmentation are defined by the following dialogs:



Fig. 56 : Segmentation Gauss points primitive – Point sprite parameters



Fig. 57 : Segmentation Gauss points primitive – OpenGL parameters



Fig. 58 : Segmentation Gauss points primitive – Geometrical sphere parameters



The first part of the dialog is the same as for Fig. 10 : Results at Gauss points primitive configuration dialog.




Fig. 59 : Standard color dialog


Predefined view for the segmentation 3D view

A new toolbar is defined for the second view only (segmentation viewer) to define certain pre-defined point of view:



Fig. 60 : New toolbar for the segmentation viewer 3D view


From left to right, the predefined points of view are:



This toolbar is docked to the frame of the second view.



The possibility to adjust in real time the segmentation viewer to the segmentation cursor can be proposed as a future improvement of this functionality, but is out of the scope of this project.