Activation of commands

The user has to select in the tree browser the time stamp value to display, by a right-mouse button click. Items concerned by this command are all sub-items of ‘Fields’ entry.

Then, a contextual popup menu displays possible display modes, depending whether the time stamps contains scalar and/or vector values:


Options for fields containing only Vector and/or Scalar values:

Options for fields containing only Scalar values:


Fig. 4 : Different display mode for results


These commands are also accessible from the Visualization menu and from the Visualization toolbar and are applied to the current selected field.



Fig. 5 : Visualization toolbar



In the case of data assigned to Gauss Points, these existing modes of presentation may give incorrect presentations because of the algorithms used for the translation of data from Gauss points to the whole mesh element. Therefore, a message will be displayed to inform the user about that and let him the possibility to go on anyway or to cancel the operation:



Fig. 6 : Notification message for existing and not modified VISU presentation


Two new options are added to the popup menus (scalar and scalar/vector), the menu bar and the toolbar:



Fig. 7 : New command dedicated to Gauss points support


The first one displays results of a computation at Gauss points, the second one displays only the Gauss points (geometry) in the 3D view for checking purpose.

This latest option should be understood as a debug mode to check if coordinates of Gauss points are correctly computed by the system. Later on, this option could be moved to the ‘Families’ entry of the tree browser – like for Mesh entities – but this requires modifying the MED file data model, and is out of the scope of this specification.