====================================================================== SALOME Kernel resources for developer ====================================================================== *html version of this document is produced with docutils*:: rst2html doc.txt > doc.html *This document corresponds to SALOME2 3.2.0 (beta version)* :Authors: Antoine Yessayan, Paul Rascle :Version: 0.3 - february 17, 2006 +-------------------------------------------+ | **WORK in PROGRESS, INCOMPLETE DOCUMENT** | +-------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Abstract** This document describes the development environment for C++ and Python. Makefiles generation and usage are introduced in another document: "using the SALOME configuration and building system environment". Development environment is intended here as: trace and debug macros usage; SALOME exceptions usage, in C++ and Python; user CORBA exceptions usage, in C++ and Python, with and without Graphical User Interface; some general purpose services such as singleton, used for CORBA connection and disconnection. .. contents:: .. sectnum:: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trace and debug Utilities ========================= During the development process, an execution log is useful to identify problems. This log contains messages, variables values, source files names and line numbers. It is recommended to verify assertions on variables values and if necessary, to stop the execution at debug time, in order to validate all parts of code. Two modes: debug and release ---------------------------- The goal of debug mode is to check as many features as possible during the early stages of the development process. The purpose of the utilities provided in SALOME is to help the developer to add detailed traces and check variables values, without writing a lot of code. When the code is assumed to be valid, the release mode optimizes execution, in terms of speed, memory, and display only user level messages. But, some informations must always be displayed in both modes: especially messages concerning environment or internal errors, with version identification. When an end user is confronted to such a message, he may refer to a configuration documentation or send the message to the people in charge of SALOME installation, or to the development team, following the kind of error. C++ Macros for trace and debug ------------------------------ SALOME provides C++ macros for trace and debug. These macros are in:: KERNEL_SRC/src/SALOMELocalTrace/utilities.h This file must be included in C++ source. Some macros are activated only in debug mode, others are always activated. To activate the debug mode, ``_DEBUG_`` must be defined, which is the case when SALOME Makefiles are generated from configure, without options. When ``_DEBUG_`` is undefined (release mode: ``configure --disable-debug --enable-production``), the debug mode macros are defined empty (they do nothing). So, when switching from debug to release, it is possible (and recommended) to let the macro calls unchanged in the source. All the macros generate trace messages, stored in a circular buffer pool. A separate thread reads the messages in the buffer pool, and, depending on options given at SALOME start, writes the messages on the standard output, a file, or send them via CORBA, in case of a multi machine configuration. Three informations are systematically added in front of the information displayed: * the thread number from which the message come from; * the name of the source file in which the macros is set; * the line number of the source file at which the macro is set. Macros defined in debug and release modes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **INFOS_COMPILATION** The C++ macro INFOS_COMPILATION writes on the trace buffer pool informations about the compiling process: * the name of the compiler : g++, KCC, CC, pgCC; * the date and the time of the compiling processing process. This macro INFOS_COMPILATION does not have any argument. Moreover, it is defined in both compiling mode : _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_. Example:: #include "utilities.h" int main(int argc , char **argv) { INFOS_COMPILATION; ... } INFOS(str) **INFOS** In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++ macro INFOS writes on the trace buffer pool the string which has been passed in argument by the user. Example:: #include "utilities.h" int main(int argc , char **argv) { ... INFOS("NORMAL END OF THE PROCESS"); return 0; } displays:: main.cxx [5] : NORMAL END OF THE PROCESS **INTERRUPTION(str)** In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++ macro INTERRUPTION writes on the trace buffer pool the string, with a special ABORT type. When the thread in charge of collecting messages finds this message, it terminates the application, after message treatment. **IMMEDIATE_ABORT(str)** In both compiling mode _DEBUG_ and _RELEASE_, The C++ macro IMMEDIATE_ABORT writes the message str immediately on standard error and exits the application. Remaining messages not treated by the message collector thread are lost. Macros defined only in debug mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **MESSAGE(str)** In _DEBUG_ compiling mode only, the C++ macro MESSAGE writes on the trace buffer pool the string which has been passed in argument by the user. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this macro is blank. Example:: #include "utilities.h" #include using namespace std; int main(int argc , char **argv) { ... const char *str = "Salome"; MESSAGE(str); ... const string st; st = "Aster"; MESSAGE(c_str(st+" and CASTEM")); return 0; } displays:: - Trace main.cxx [8] : Salome - Trace main.cxx [12] : Aster and CASTEM **BEGIN_OF(func_name)** In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro BEGIN_OF appends the string "Begin of " to the one passed in argument by the user and displays the result on the trace buffer pool. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this macro is blank. Example:: #include "utilities.h" int main(int argc , char **argv) { BEGIN_OF(argv[0]); return 0; } displays:: - Trace main.cxx [3] : Begin of a.out **END_OF(func_name)** In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro END_OF appends the string "Normal end of " to the one passed in argument by the user and displays the result on the trace buffer pool. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this macro is blank. Example:: #include "utilities.h" int main(int argc , char **argv) { END_OF(argv[0]); return 0; } displays:: - Trace main.cxx [4] : Normal end of a.out **SCRUTE(var)** In _DEBUG_ compiling mode, The C++ macro SCRUTE displays its argument which is an application variable followed by the value of the variable. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this macro is blank. Example:: #include "utilities.h" int main(int argc , char **argv) { const int i=999; if( i > 0 ) SCRUTE(i) ; i=i+1; return 0; } displays:: - Trace main.cxx [5] : i=999 **ASSERT(condition)** In _DEBUG_ compiling mode only, The C++ macro ASSERT checks the expression passed in argument to be not NULL. If it is NULL the condition is written with the macro INTERRUPTION (see above). The process exits after trace of this last message. In _RELEASE_ compiling mode, this macro is blank. N.B. : if ASSERT is already defined, this macro is ignored. Example:: #include "utilities.h" ... const char *ptrS = fonc(); ASSERT(ptrS!=NULL); cout << strlen(ptrS); float table[10]; int k; ... ASSERT(k<10); cout << table[k]; Exceptions ========== C++ exceptions: class SALOME_Exception -------------------------------------- definition ~~~~~~~~~~ The class SALOME_Exception provides a generic method to send a message, with optional source file name and line number. This class is intended to serve as a base class for all kinds of exceptions SALOME code. All the exceptions derived from SALOME_Exception could be handled in a single catch, in which the message associated to the exception is displayed, or sent to a log file. The class SALOME_Exception inherits its behavior from the STL class exception. usage ~~~~~ The header SALOME/src/utils/utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx must be included in the C++ source, when raised or trapped:: #include "utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx" The SALOME_Exception constructor is:: SALOME_Exception( const char *text, const char *fileName=0, const unsigned int lineNumber=0 ); The exception is raised like this:: throw SALOME_Exception("my pertinent message"); or like this:: throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("my pertinent message")); where LOCALIZED is a macro provided with ``utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx`` which gives file name and line number. The exception is handled like this:: try { ... } catch (const SALOME_Exception &ex) { cerr << ex.what() <::Instance() ; assert(ptrPoint!=NULL) ; No need to delete ptrPoint. Deletion is achieved automatically at exit. If the user tries to create more than one singleton by using the class method SINGLETON_::Instance(), the pointer is returned with the same value even if this is done in different functions (threads ?):: POINT *p1=SINGLETON_::Instance() ; ... POINT *p2=SINGLETON_::Instance() ; assert(p1==p2) Design description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are the principles features of the singleton design: * the user creates an object of class TYPE by using the class method ``SINGLETON_::Instance()`` which returns a pointer to the single object ; * to create an object, ``SINGLETON_::Instance()`` uses the default constructor of class TYPE ; * at the same time, this class method creates a destructor object which is added to the generic list of destructor objects to be executed at the end of the application (atexit) ; * at the end of the application process all the deletions are performed by the ``Nettoyage()`` C function which executes the destruction objects end then deletes the destructions objects themselves ; * the ``Nettoyage()`` C function using ``atexit()`` C function is embedded in a static single object ``ATEXIT_()``. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +----------------------------------+------------------------------------------+ | `General KERNEL documentation`_ | `End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`_ | +----------------------------------+------------------------------------------+ .. _`General KERNEL documentation`: ./index.html .. _`End User KERNEL Doxygen documentation`: ./tui/KERNEL/index.html