/*! \page engine Engine \section toc Table of contents - \ref engine_intro - \ref basic_concepts - \ref engine_executor \section engine_intro Introduction The engine is in charge to : - edit - check consistency - schedule - execute graphs of execution independently from the context (\ref engine_runtime) the graph is destined to run. \section basic_concepts Basic concepts in YACS::ENGINE The understanding of YACS::ENGINE implementation needs a well knowledge of the following concepts : - \ref engine_node - \ref engine_ports - \ref engine_links - \ref engine_types - \ref engine_context - \ref engine_placement \section engine_executor Executor The executor is in charge to run a graph of execution. Executor is TOTALLY independant from Node and Port implementation. The only APIs seen from YACS::ENGINE::Executor are YACS::ENGINE::Scheduler and YACS::ENGINE::Task. So, from the Executor point of view, a graph of execution is a scheduler scheduling tasks. The responsability of executor is to launch, concurrently or not, tasks selected by scheduler and to notify to tasks and to the scheduler what it is going to do and what happend during tasks' execution. There are several launching mode in executor. Here the common modes : - launch tasks until scheduler declares that all is finished. - launch tasks until a given task is upon to be launched. - launch tasks one by one. (step by step) */ /*! \page engineConcepts Engine concepts \section engine_node Nodes A Node is an entity performing a treatement or job using ingoing data given in ingoing \ref engine_ports provided by other Nodes or 'manually' set and providing itself data in outgoing \ref engine_ports. A Node is eventually put into a scope (see \ref engine_hierarchy) in which all it's links with other Nodes can be performed. The most little scope if it exists of a Node is referenced by YACS::ENGINE::Node::_father. There are 2 types of Node : - Node performing a job NOT splitable into several simpler jobs. In this case job is called task. This type of Node can be dowcasted into YACS::ENGINE::ElementaryNode. That's why, YACS::ENGINE::ElementaryNode inherits from YACS::ENGINE::Task and YACS::ENGINE::Node. - Node performing job splittable into several jobs. This type of Node can be dowcasted into YACS::ENGINE::ComposedNode. As this specific type of Node is composed of several Nodes it is in charge of schedule them. That's why, YACS::ENGINE::ComposedNode inherits from YACS::ENGINE::Scheduler and YACS::ENGINE::Node. \subsection engine_hierarchy Node hierarchy - It has been called hierarchy 'MyHierarchy' of a node 'MyNode' the biggest tree which each node of this tree is an instance of ComposedNode and each leaves are instances of ElementaryNode. One of these leaves/nodes is 'MyNode'. The links between leaves/nodes nodes/nodes are established by the fatherness stored in each instance of Node (YACS::ENGINE::Node::_father). - The unique node of this tree only linked down (with _father equal to 0) and having no father is called \b RootNode of 'MyHierarchy'. - A \b level \b of \b hierarchy of 'MyHierarchy' is the set of node/leaf having the same father. - A \b scope of a the hierarchy 'MyHierarchy' is a subtree of 'MyHierarchy' tree. A scope is represented by the head node of this subtree. \section engine_ports Ports A YACS::ENGINE::Port is an interface of a YACS::ENGINE::Node from the outside. Ports can have several semantics. - \ref engine_control_flow - \ref engine_data_flow - \ref engine_data_stream \subsection engine_control_flow Control flow The semantic of this port is to put constraints on the sequence of execution to synchronize nodes, on THE SAME LEVEL of \ref engine_hierarchy between them. \subsection engine_data_flow Data Instances of these type of ports inherits from YACS::ENGINE::DataFlowPort. This type of port represents data exchange protocol performed physically by implementation in \ref engine_runtime at the end of execution an instance of an ElementaryNode. So contrary to \ref engine_data_stream, this data exchange protocol is performed following \ref engine_control_flow synchronization. \subsection engine_data_stream DataStream Instances of these type of ports inherits from YACS::ENGINE::DataStreamPort. DataStream ports are ports for data exchange NOT synchronized by \ref engine_control_flow. \section engine_links Links A link in YACS does not lie onto a C++ object. A link exists in YACS::ENGINE model only like a sorted pair (YACS::ENGINE::OutPort, YACS::ENGINE::InPort). The semantic of elements of pair can be different (\ref engine_data_flow or \ref engine_data_stream ). This pair is stored in both YACS::ENGINE::OutPort side and YACS::ENGINE::InPort side. The storage YACS::ENGINE::InPort side is only for edition facility (Node, Port suppression), but at execution time, only links info YACS::ENGINE::OutPort side is used. A link is constructed by the call to YACS::ENGINE::ComposedNode::edAddLink method. The instance of YACS::ENGINE::ComposedNode on which apply edAddLink must be so that inPort and OutPort are both in its scope. \subsection engine_links_cpx Point of view of engine at run time It is important to note that a link defined by edAddLink method can hide potentially a serie of elementary links. This is particalary true when 2 dataflow ports inside 2 different loops are linked each other ; in this case \ref engine_data_flow / \ref engine_data_stream conversion is requested. An elementary link is a link in which the semantic of both elements in pair are exactly the same. So the complexity linked to modification of port semantic in a link is managed at edition time so that at run time only elementary links are seen. \section engine_types Data types YACS::ENGINE::TypeCode instances are destined to describe data structure of a piece of data expected by an instance of YACS::ENGINE::DataPort (for type checking at edition : static type checking) or held in YACS::ENGINE::Any instance (for type checking at execution : dynamic type checking). All data exchanged by calculation nodes through input and output data ports have a type. The type is given by the port that holds the data by calling its YACS::ENGINE::DataPort::edGetType() method. All types are instances of the YACS::ENGINE::TypeCode class or one of its derived classes : YACS::ENGINE::TypeCode_objref, YACS::ENGINE::TypeCode_seq. \section engine_context Context A context is a set of libraries allowing directly or indirectly from C++ calls to : - launch on demand, a computation or a job specified uniquely by a string of character and a list of inputs and giving in return a list of data in specific data formats. - handle data of these specific data formats. Each of these data formats overlapping all or part of data overlapped by YACS::ENGINE::Any. Concretely it takes form of set of : - middlewares (CORBA, SOAP, MPI, PVM ...) - high level langage interpreters (as python, perl, shell) callable from C++. - plateform (SALOME) \section engine_runtime Runtime A runtime exists in a given \ref engine_context. A runtime is in charge to : - treat physically the basic execution of elementary tasks in a given context - the traduction of data in this context. - to perform the physical deployment of the execution. The runtime simply appears in engine as an interface that a concrete runtime must implement to be piloted by YACS::ENGINE. \section engine_placement Deployment This the 3rd point of view of a graph of execution, after links between nodes (see \ref engine_links ) and hierarchy in nodes ( \ref engine_hierarchy ). Deployment concept is accessible in interface YACS::ENGINE::Task with the concept of YACS::ENGINE::ComponentInstance and YACS::ENGINE::Container. - a ComponentInstance is a common environement \b shared by a set of YACS::ENGINE::ServiceNode. Typically ServiceNodes sharing a same ComponentInstance are sharing a same state taking different form (environement var and/or memory space and/or internal variables...). - a Container is a common process \b shared by several ComponentInstances. A task needed to be placed or deployed at runtime has to return something different from 0 on call to YACS::ENGINE::Task::getComponent(). YACS::ENGINE::ServiceNode is the abstract class representing all executable nodes needed to be deployed. It's important to note that the placement (or deployment) of ServiceNodes can be performed at different moment at runtime. - Either it is performed once for all YACS::ENGINE::Container before launching any task. This placement startegy is \b absolutly required for batch mode. This condition is checked by the YACS::ENGINE::Executor by calling YACS::ENGINE::Scheduler::isPlacementPredictableB4Run. - or it is done at the last moment on call of YACS::ENGINE::Load when execution of a ServiceNode is required by Executor on running process. */