Iterative resolution of the calibration problem ----------------------------------------------- Intermediate state at the current iteration: [1. 1. 1.] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [1.99739508 1.07086406 1.01346638] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [1.83891966 1.04815981 1.01208385] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [1.8390702 1.03667176 1.01284797] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [1.83967236 0.99071957 1.01590445] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [1.84208099 0.8069108 1.02813037] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 1.93711599 -0.56383147 1.12097995] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 1.99838848 -1.00480576 1.1563713 ] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 2.0135905 -1.04815936 1.16155285] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 2.01385679 -1.03874812 1.16129658] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 2.01377856 -1.03700048 1.16157611] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 2.01338903 -1.02943739 1.16528951] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 2.01265633 -1.01708474 1.17793974] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 2.01124871 -0.99745512 1.21485092] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 2.00863696 -0.96943287 1.30917045] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 2.00453385 -0.94011718 1.51021885] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 2.00013539 -0.93313894 1.80539445] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 1.95437219 -0.76890307 2.04566901] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 1.99797363 -0.92538077 1.81674454] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 1.99760514 -0.9592967 2.01402117] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 1.99917565 -0.99152673 2.03171823] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 1.99990376 -0.99963125 2.00671607] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 1.99999841 -1.00005288 2.00039727] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 2.00000014 -1.00000309 2.00000249] Intermediate state at the current iteration: [ 2. -0.99999995 2.00000015] Calibration of 3 coefficients in a 1D quadratic function on 5 measures ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Observation vector.................: [ 57. 2. 3. 17. 192.] A priori background state..........: [1. 1. 1.] Expected theoretical coefficients..: [ 2 -1 2] Calibration resulting coefficients.: [ 2. -0.99999995 2.00000015]